B&B Short Recap Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Brenda

Steffi can’t board the plane to Monaco because doesn’t have her passport. Brooke is happy that he will be alone with Ridge in Monaco. Steffi goes back to the office and finds her passport on the desk. She concludes that Hope got what she wanted.

Poppy and Bill have a heart to heart and clear the air about her previous relationship with Tom Starr. Katie tries to press Li into admitting that Poppy could be responsible for Tom and Hollis’s overdoses. Li is certain that Poppy is incapable of murder and concludes it must have been Sheila. Katie says the police questioned and released Sheila. Li then concludes that if it was indeed murder, then the perpetrator is still out there. While Bill and Poppy are making out in the bedroom, someone opens the door. Poppy screams.

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