Days Update Friday, July 19, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

The town square is set up for the double wedding. Xander arrives and then Jack comes up behind him, remarking that it’s a nice night for a wedding.

Maggie goes to Sarah’s with the bouquets and asks if everything is alright. Sarah explains that they are trying to solve a mystery of how Xander’s mother’s wedding invitation ended up in the trash can. Bonnie says she just assumed that Sarah changed her mind about sending it but Sarah assures that she didn’t. Bonnie questions who did then.

Alex tells Justin that he gets why he’s hurt, but he doesn’t think it’s right for him to drag his name through the mud when he’s not here to defend himself. Justin doesn’t understand how Alex can defend Victor. Alex says it’s because he was his father. Justin shouts that he was too. Alex tells him that he’s not anymore and it’s time for him to accept that.

At the Brady Pub, Roman is on the phone with his sister Kimberly, saying it’s too bad that she and Shane couldn’t make it back for Theresa’s wedding. Roman says they will be missed but he will be there as they have to have at least one Brady to represent. Kimberly and Shane’s son, Andrew Donovan then arrives and tells Roman they’ll make it two.

Brady goes home and tells himself not to think about it, repeating that he and Theresa were never good together. Brady thinks back to when he and Theresa had sex. Brady asks how he’s going to get through this wedding. Brady then searches through a drawer and finds a bottle of vodka and a glass. Brady pours the drink but his half brother Paul arrives home and questions what he’s up to there. Brady gets up and greets Paul with a hug, saying he had no idea he would be in town. Paul explains that his boyfriend’s sister is getting married and that John always said you have to be there for family when you can. Paul says that’s why he has to ask about this and if Brady is off the wagon. Brady says no and admits he was thinking about it. Paul asks if it’s because of Theresa marrying someone else.

Justin asks how many times that Alex told him they would always be father and son and guesses that was all talk. Alex says he didn’t mean to lash out like that. Justin questions what the hell he meant then. Alex thinks it’s time for Justin to get over his anger at Victor, pointing out that they don’t know why he lied about Justin being his father. Alex says he’s sure Victor had his reasons. Justin demands one reason that makes sense then. Alex admits he can’t do that and asks why that matters. Justin argues that it matters to him because a man that he considered a second father has pitted them against each other and he’s doing it from the grave. Alex questions if Justin sees him as an enemy then and declares that maybe he shouldn’t be officiating his wedding then. Justin agrees and then his son Sonny arrives.

Roman tells Kimberly that she knows how to keep a secret since Andrew just walked in. Roman hangs up and hugs Andrew, calling him a sight for sore eyes. Andrew explains that since his parents couldn’t make it, he’s the designated family rep. Roman tells him that Theresa will be thrilled that he came. Andrew says he hopes so. Roman questions why she wouldn’t be. Andrew flashes back to revealing to Theresa that he found out she was the one who kidnapped Victoria.

Maggie doesn’t understand why Bonnie would think that Sarah would throw Xander’s mother’s invitation in the trash. Bonnie informs her that she found it in the trash when she accidentally knocked the can over. Theresa flashes back to stealing the invitation. Bonnie explains that she assumed that Theresa got in to Sarah’s head since she kept going on and on about what a bad idea it was to invite Xander’s mother. Sarah admits to remembering that. Maggie questions who did it then. Bonnie points out that it wasn’t her or Sarah, so Theresa then admit that it was her which shocks Sarah.

Xander is surprised to see Jack is back in town. Jack informs him that his daughter’s body was being exhumed except it wasn’t there which Xander questions. Jack reveals that it seems Abigail may still be alive. Xander questions how that’s even possible. Jack calls it complicated and he doesn’t want to talk about it. Xander says he understands but he hopes it’s true. Jack comments on Abigail dying too young and never getting to realize her true potential, raise her children, or run the newspaper that Xander stole from them. Jack tells Xander that he doesn’t have to say anything since he has more important things on his mind. Jack hopes this double wedding goes better for him than his last one. Jack points out that Xander and Gwen landed on their feet by blackmailing the Spectator out from he and Jennifer. Jack wishes Xander the best on his wedding day and looks forward to reading all about it in the Spectator tomorrow. Jack remarks that he still reads the Spectator out of habit. Xander stops Jack and tells him to take the paper back.

Andrew tells Roman that he didn’t tell Theresa that he was coming and maybe he should’ve since she doesn’t like to be caught off guard. Roman asks who doesn’t like surprises. Stephanie then enters the Pub and excitedly hugs Andrew, saying she didn’t know he was coming. Andrew says he didn’t know if he could get away from his assignment. Stephanie states that Theresa will be so happy to see her big brother. Andrew tells Stephanie that he’s so happy to see her and he can’t wait to catch up with Kayla and Steve. Stephanie reveals that they won’t be coming tonight as Steve is out of town and Kayla is stuck at the hospital. Roman mentions that Kate won’t be making it either as she’s in LA, trying to secure the rights to a soap opera which he calls a long story. Roman asks how Andrew has been. Andrew says he’s been great and tells them that Paul is in town too as he stopped to see Brady. Roman can’t wait to see him and heads to the kitchen to square things away. Stephanie remarks that she hopes Brady is okay and starts to bring up he and Theresa, but then decides that Theresa is marrying Alex so she’s sure there’s nothing between them anymore. Andrew assures that Brady is fine. Andrew asks about Stephanie since she was dating Alex not long ago and asks how she’s doing with all of this.

Sonny hugs Alex and Justin, then asks if he came at a bad time. Alex says not at all but he didn’t think Sonny would be able to make it so this is great. Sonny tells Alex that he’s his cousin but he’ll always see him as his brother no matter what. Alex says he feels the same way and thanks him. Alex decides he will go get ready and tells Justin that he’ll let him catch up with his real son. After Alex exits, Sonny tells Justin that he’s not sure what he just walked in on. Justin tells him not to worry about it. Sonny asks if he’s okay. Justin admits that he’s not.

Paul thought Brady and Theresa were over a long time ago. Brady says they were and now they are focusing on co-parenting now that Tate and Theresa are back in town. Paul asks how Tate is. Brady says he’s at lacrosse camp and Theresa was upset that Tate couldn’t be at the wedding. Brady doesn’t understand the rush to the wedding. Brady admits that it crossed his mind that Theresa was doing it for the money, but she did agree to sign a prenup. Paul brings up what if Theresa still happened to have feelings for someone else. Brady assures it’s not him and that he and Theresa have been over for a long time. Paul got the impression that maybe Brady wishes he and Theresa weren’t over or that Brady still has feelings for her. Paul asks if he’s wrong.

Sarah and Bonnie question Theresa throwing out Xander’s mother’s invitation. Theresa repeats her worries about Xander’s mom being an alcoholic and causing a scene. Sarah suggests she could be sober now and she can’t believe Theresa did that, calling it awful and appalling. Theresa admits that’s true and says she’s really sorry. Bonnie says there’s no harm, no foul as she reveals that she mailed the invitation herself.

Xander tells Jack that he wants him to take back his half of the Spectator. Xander says he was angry and desperate back then, leaning in to his worst impulses and he regrets it now. Xander adds that Jack got the better end of the deal since Jack lost the paper, but he lost his best friend and maybe the only one he ever had. Xander declares that the Spectator belongs to Jack’s family, not his. Jack questions what he’ll do for money. Xander says he’ll figure something out and points out that Sarah is a doctor. Xander insists that he doesn’t want the Spectator anymore and that he’ll hire Justin to draw up the papers. Jack agrees to keep an eye on the mail. Jack sends his love to Sarah and questions what exactly she saw in him. Xander calls that the burning question. Jack tells Xander that he got a good one and tells him to earn it as he walks away.

Paul tells Brady that he just wants to help and understand him having a drink in his hand earlier. Brady never thought he would feel like Theresa was the one that got away. Paul tells him that he doesn’t have to go to the wedding but Brady says he’s not going to back down now. Paul asks if he will be okay. Brady assures he won’t take a drink and that he doesn’t need it as he just had a weak moment. Paul decides he’ll pour it out. Brady says he’s really glad to see him and hugs him.

Justin tells Sonny that he’s so grateful that he’s here because he’s having a hard time. Sonny says he is too and calls it surreal that Victor would do this to all of them. Justin says he mourned Victor and he misses him, but he will never forgive him for this. Sonny says he won’t either. Justin says that Alex has and he’s perfectly content with how things turned out. Justin complains that the more Alex accepts Victor, the more it feels like a slap in the face. Justin talks about having a hard time believing it’s true and says he’s carried around the letter from Anjelica, trying to find one thing that would show it’s not true and that Alex really is his son. Justin asks if he’s crazy. Sonny calls him a kind, caring, great person and says he’ll always be his son no matter what. Sonny tells Justin that he loves him as they hug. Alex then returns to the room. Justin says he will let them catch up but Alex tells him not to go. Alex says he thought about what he said and tells Justin that he’s truly sorry. Alex says he would be grateful to have Justin marry he and Theresa today. Justin says it would be his honor.

Stephanie tells Andrew that she’s very happy that Alex and Theresa are getting married and assures that she gave Theresa her blessing as she and Alex had been over for a long time. Andrew asks if she’s seeing anyone new. Stephanie says that she was, but not anymore, as it wasn’t meant to be. Stephanie calls it kind of funny that she’s been going through a revolving door of men lately while wild child Theresa is the one settling down. Andrew points out that Theresa is settled down a few times, so he hopes this one sticks. Stephanie talks about the trouble they got in to growing up and repeats that Theresa is a wild child, noting that Andrew must be happy that Theresa is turning over a new leaf. Andrew states that is the dream.

Theresa is shocked to learn that Bonnie mailed Fiona’s invitation herself. Bonnie knows it wasn’t her place to do so but she thought Sarah would thank her which she does. Sarah just wishes Fiona would’ve RSVP’d. Maggie suggests maybe the invitation never got to her. Theresa thinks maybe she dodged a bullet. Sarah doesn’t see it that way and tells Theresa that she should be sorry. Victoria wakes up crying so Maggie goes to get her. Bonnie tells Sarah that she better go get ready and takes her to her room. Theresa then remarks to herself that Fiona better not show up or else she is screwed. Andrew then shows up at the door. Theresa can’t believe it and excitedly hugs him. Theresa tells Andrew that she’s watching Victoria while Sarah gets ready. Andrew jokes about the irony of her watching the kid she kidnapped. Theresa tells him to keep quiet. Andrew assures that he hasn’t told anyone including Paul and he assumes that Theresa has been staying on the straight and narrow like she promised. Theresa says that she totally has. Andrew talks about Theresa misjudging Konstantin and how he could’ve killed her. Theresa calls it one of the scariest moments of her whole life. Andrew says she doesn’t have to worry about Konstantin anymore while he doesn’t have to worry about her. Theresa is so grateful for Andrew covering for her. Andrew mentions how Sarah called the ISA asking if there were any leads on Konstantin’s accomplice and he hated not being able to tell her. Sarah then comes out from her room and asks what he wasn’t able to tell her.

Xander goes to Leo’s room at the Salem Inn, so he can use his room to change in. Leo refers to Xander as his boss but Xander reveals that he’s not anymore as he just gave his half of the Spectator back to Jack. Leo is shocked and asks if he’s going to get fired now. Xander assures that he won’t and that everyone loves Lady Whistleblower. Xander says he should get changed so he tells Leo that he will see him downstairs. As Xander starts to undress, Leo sits down. Xander repeats for him to go downstairs. Leo jokes about having hidden cameras in the room and then agrees to go downstairs, declaring that he will be covering the wedding of his now ex-boss.

Andrew greets Maggie and Sarah, then says he was just saying that he hated not being able to tell Sarah that they had a lead in Victoria’s kidnapping. Andrew adds that with Konstantin dead, the trail has gone cold. Andrew claims they still assume that Konstantin hired a local thug to help him and that he’d have no more interest with Konstantin dead. Sarah agrees that there’s probably no more danger but calls it disconcerting that they are still out there. Theresa realizes that with Shane unable to attend the wedding, she doesn’t have anyone to walk her down the aisle, so she asks Andrew. Andrew says he’d love to. Theresa points out that it’s getting late and suggests they go have a wedding. Sarah mentions that Bonnie is still doing her makeup. Maggie is glad that Sarah and Theresa are going to be sharing the stage tonight and says they make her so proud. Maggie says she loves them and is beyond thrilled for them both.

Sonny arrives in the town square for the wedding and runs in to Leo. Leo asks where Will is. Sonny responds that he couldn’t make it. Leo talks about finding his angle for the article on the wedding. Leo brings up Will being related to both brides and asks if him not being there means there’s trouble in paradise. Sonny threatens to punch Leo, who tells him to relax and says he does have journalistic integrity. Paul walks up, so Leo points out that it’s another one of Sonny’s exes and jokes that they made a better couple than Sonny and Will. Leo suggests that if Sonny ever wises up and dumps Will, he should go for Paul. Andrew walks over and asks if that’s a fact as he kisses Paul. Leo tells Sonny that he’s sorry and that he tried as he walks away. Stephanie greets Alex and congratulates him. Alex asks how she is. Stephanie calls him a lucky groom and Theresa a lucky bride, saying she’s so happy for them both. Alex hugs her and thanks her. Maggie walks through with Victoria in her stroller and talks with Brady. Brady says he’s good and tells Maggie not to worry about him. Bonnie and Justin walk through as she encourages Justin about officiating. Justin informs her that he got fired from the job but guesses he and Alex are just destined to be a work in progress. Bonnie hopes one day Alex realizes how lucky he is to have Justin in his life. Maggie calls for everyone to take their seats as they are about to get started. Xander and Alex meet at the altar. Xander comments on sharing the spotlight with Victor’s billionaire bastard. The wedding then begins as Andrew walks Theresa down the aisle. Maggie then walks Sarah down the aisle. Bonnie then stands up and announces that they forgot one of the most important details of which one is getting married first. The couples step aside to discuss it. Theresa thinks Xander and Sarah should go first since it was their wedding to begin with. Bonnie suggests maybe they should go second then so it’s like Alex and Theresa are their opening act. Bonnie then suggests they flip a coin. Alex calls heads while Xander calls tails. Bonnie flips the coin and it lands on heads but they didn’t decide if that’s first or last. Bonnie then decides that Alex and Theresa are up first. Justin then begins officiating the ceremony. Justin asks if anyone objects. Theresa looks over at Brady, who remains quiet. Justin then calls for Theresa and Alex to say their vows. Alex states that for a long time, he was nothing but a player but after coming to Salem, all of that changed. Alex says the biggest change was realizing that he was Victor Kiriakis’ son which turned his world upside down. Alex tells Theresa that he would’ve never made it through that without her as she helped him embrace who he really is and he will be eternally grateful for that. Theresa gets emotional and says she will keep it brief as she just has one thing to say to him. Theresa tells Alex that she just wants to make him happy and she will because he deserves that. Alex and Theresa exchange vows and their rings. Justin then pronounces Alex and Theresa as husband and wife, so they kiss. Brady looks annoyed as everyone else applauds. Justin introduces them for the first time as Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kiriakis. Everyone stands and applauds. Brady reluctantly joins in but then turns to walk away. Paul goes after him but Brady insists that he’s fine and he’s going to a meeting. Brady tells Paul to stay as he exits the town square. Andrew tells Leo not to write that. Leo questions how he knows what he wrote. Andrew reminds him that he’s a spy and that he saw him watch Brady walk out. Leo remarks that it’s not his fault it was the best view. Bonnie calls for everyone to take their seats because they have to do this again. Maggie asks if Xander and Sarah are ready as they head to the altar. Maggie then begins to officiate their ceremony. Maggie says she knows that Victor would be very happy that his family has come together in this way tonight. Maggie asks if anyone objects. Xander’s mother, Fiona Cook, then arrives and declares that she’s sorry she’s late, surprising everyone in attendance.

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