GH Short Recap Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Sonny asks Diane to start researching how to get sole custody of Avery because he doesn’t want Ava to raise her. Diane tells Sonny that Avery isn’t a baby anymore and she might hate him for taking her away from her mother. Sonny tells Diane that he would rather have Avery hate him than have her grow up and be like her mother.

The team at Deception finally pays attention to the alerts on their phones and reads the article on the Invader website and hears the recording of Natalia talking about Blaze and Kristina. Blaze is hurt by what her mother said on the recording and walks out of the room. Maxie tells Natalia that Deception’s relationship with Blaze will change but it isn’t because she is way. Natalia struggles to remember with whom she had the conversation that was recorded.

Kristina worries about Blaze and how hurt she must be by the recording. Blaze tells Kristina that this is all her fault because she didn’t tell her fans the truth about being gay. Blaze tells Kristina they should break up and Kristina thinks that this shouldn’t end their relationship. The Deception team tries to figure out the best way to handle this public relations crisis.

Alexis tells DeWitt she will sue him and the Invader unless he tells her the name of the person who gave him that recording. Sonny tells Diane that the person who gave that recording to the Invader hurt Kristina and when he finds out the identity of that person they have a target on their back. Alexis arrives at Ava’s hotel room to talk to her. Natalia tells Sonny that she finally remembered who she was talking to when she was recorded. Natalia tells Sonny the person who recorded her was Ava Jerome.

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