Days Opinions For The Week Of June 24, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Ava and Harris

Was anyone else bored with Harris’ exit? Hope suddenly wanted him to check out a lead on Megan. Why would she reach out to him after all this time? She knows a lot of people and has connections, so she didn’t have to go to him for help. We know the writers had to get rid of the character since the actor is back on General Hospital, but they couldn’t come up with a better reason than that? Harris wasn’t an important character on the show and there aren’t too many people who care that he’s leaving, so he didn’t need a proper sendoff. The writers chose to leave the door open for him to return, but do we care if he does? Steve Burton is a good actor, but he fits better on General Hospital than he did on DOOL.

EJ told Nicole that he saw her kiss Eric. He wanted to clear the air between them. He has his priorities mixed up completely. It’s good that he let her know that he saw what she did, but he chose to keep a bigger secret from her. EJ failed to mention that he knows the truth about Jude’s paternity. The writers had to find a way to clear Nicole of her wrongdoing by having her dirt come to light while his secret remained in the dark. They always try so hard to make us think Nicole is a saint. We will touch on that subject again in this article. There was no point in EJ telling Nicole about the kiss when he has a bigger secret that he kept to himself.

Are we the only ones confused with Chad’s thinking? For some reason, he acted like Jack didn’t have a right to know that Abby could still be alive. Abby is Jack’s daughter, so he had a right to know what was going on with Clyde. We know Chad didn’t want to get everyone’s hopes up, but Jack had a right to know about Abby. Jack should have been involved in the story. There was no point writing him back into the show for just a couple of episodes when he could have been involved in Chad and Julie’s story. Jack could have been brought back to the show when they show the tribute to Doug since they didn’t use him properly this time around.

Sarah and Bonnie clearly had blinders on while Theresa was with them. She was visibly upset when Sarah talked about Xander’s mother being in town for the wedding. Theresa practically choked when Sarah talked about her. She’s not even hiding that she’s uncomfortable at the idea that Xander’s mother could be at the wedding. Hopefully that means the truth about Alex’s paternity will be revealed. Theresa has gotten away with what she did long enough.

Chanel’s miscarriage brought out the ugly side of her. She blamed Paulina for what happened to the baby. Chanel just accepted Paulina again and went back to blaming her for what happened. She miscarried and that’s horrible. Chanel could have lost the baby for any reason. Unfortunately, miscarriages do happen and that’s what happened in her case. It didn’t have to be because of her exposure to radiation. Mark didn’t confirm that she lost the baby because of the radiation. Speaking of Mark, he was very cold towards her when he let her know that she had lost her baby. Anyway, Chanel went back to blaming Paulina for her loss. Treating her mother like dirt won’t change the situation at all. She understood why Paulina rescued her until it affected her life and now she’s treating her like garbage over it.

We applaud the writers for playing the right beats when it concerned what happened with Eric and Johnny and Chanel. Eric lost Jude because of Sloan. He talked to Roman, and he told him how he felt when he raised Belle. Long time fans should remember how Roman thought he was Belle’s father until it was revealed that he wasn’t. He explained how he felt when he lost Belle. We thought that was good that the writers included that beat in his story. The writers included another beat when Eric talked to Abe about Johnny and Chanel losing their baby. Abe offered his condolences to Eric after he did the same about Chanel’s baby. Their conversation led to talk about Jude. Abe talked to him about what it felt like to lose Isaac. We applaud the writers for bringing that up. It doesn’t seem like the writers remembered that Abe and Lexie raised Isaac. He had the same issue that Eric did when Lexie lied to him about the baby. Abe thought of Isaac as his son only to lose him to Bo and Hope.


Abe Paulina and Chanel

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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