Star Trek: The Next Generation Trivia Quiz

Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG) Trivia Quiz


"Star Trek: The Next Generation" cast

Star Trek: The Next Generation Trivia Quiz

1. What did Riker acquire in the second season?

a. a wife
b. a guitar
c. a cat
d. a beard
e. all of the above

2. Which villainous aliens are new in TNG?

a. Borg
b. Klingons
c. Romulans
d. Changelings
e. Trill

3. TNG was the first Star Trek series to be which of these things?

a. syndicated first-run
b. colorized from black and white
c. integrated bridge crew
d. streamed on Paramount+
e. remastered for greater clarity

4. What was the Picard family business?

a. racing
b. bartending
c. winemaking
d. teaching
e. writing

5. What was Captain Picard’s favorite beverage?

a. black coffee
b. Earl Grey tea
c. water
d. Saurian brandy
e. orange juice

6. Who was the security chief of the show in season 1?

a. Worf
b. Riker
c. Crusher
d. Tasha
e. Wesley

7. Which character did many fans find annoying?

a. Wesley
b. Worf
c. Geordi
d. Data
e. Beverly

8. Which aliens debuted on TNG before going on to greater prominence in DS9?

a. Klingons
b. Romulans
c. Ferengi
d. Borg
e. Tribbles

9. Which character is most like Pinocchio?

a. Worf
b. Picard
c. Riker
d. Data
e. Wesley

10. Which card game did the crew enjoy playing?

a. Risk
b. Backgammon
c. Blackjack
d. Hearts
e. Poker


1. d, 2. a, 3. a, 4. c, 5. b, 6. d, 7. a, 8. c, 9. d, 10. e.



Riker, Shelby, Crusher and Data in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" episode The Best of Both Worlds.

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