Days Short Recap Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Nicole thanked EJ for letting her stay at the mansion. They realized they needed a friend. They hugged each other. Johnny walked in and yelled at EJ for sleeping with Nicole. She told him they didn’t do anything. She said she was there because she didn’t have anywhere else to go. Johnny apologized for jumping to conclusions. EJ yelled at Johnny for barging in the mansion. Johnny said he was there to see Susan’s room. He apologized again to EJ. EJ said he understood that his son thought the worst in him. He asked if Johnny and Wendy are going to keep quiet about what they know. Johnny said they were going to keep quiet. He said they didn’t want to ruin the lives of the people they love. He said that didn’t mean it was right. When Johnny left, EJ called Trask and told her he was dropping the charges against Eric. Nicole thanked him again. She said she didn’t think moving  in there would be a good thing. He didn’t know why she felt that way. She said she didn’t like how Johnny assumed they were sleeping together. She said the town would be gossiping about them. She didn’t want to deal with it anymore. She said she didn’t want Holly to be exposed to it. He said the best thing for Holly was a stable home.

Rafe saw Jada at the Brady Pub. He asked her if she was okay. She said she was okay. She told him she would be back after the procedure. She told him she had an abortion. She said she felt terrible about missing work. He told her to take care of herself. They talked about what happened with Eric and Nicole. She said she had to do what was right for her. She said Eric was hurt that she did it without telling him. She told him that Nicole told her she didn’t want her to have a baby. He wanted to know what happened. She said Nicole wasn’t going to let anything stand in her way. He was furious with Nicole. Jada said the decision was hers. He said Nicole was selfish and would do anything to get Eric. She said didn’t think Nicole and Eric would work out after what she told Eric about Nicole. Rafe said he would always have Jada’s back. They talked about Eric and Nicole. Rafe admitted he shouldn’t have gotten involved with Nicole. While they were talking, he got a call about Eric. Sloan told Eric to let her represent him. He didn’t think she would be able to help him. He said she didn’t have the best reputation. She said she was effective. He said he needed a lawyer. He said Abe was like an uncle to him and his niece was dating Paulina’s daughter. Sloan said Allie should leave Chanel. She said Chanel and Paulina were lying. She said Chanel murdered her mother. They talked about losing someone they loved. She told him she was a fighter. Abe and Chanel went to see Paulina. Paulina wanted good news. He said no one could help her. He got a call from the city council. They want him to resign as mayor. Chanel blamed herself and left. Paulina asked if he regretted marrying her. He said he was going to step down anyway. She told him not to give up being mayor. He said he would help her get through this. Belle talked to Shawn about Eric. She told him she didn’t like the way Eric acted, but her heart broke for him. She said she didn’t want to lose him the way she lost Sami. Eric showed up and told her he wanted Sloan to represent him. Sloan was happy. Belle told him to find someone other than Sloan. He said Sloan was the victim here. He said she exposed crime and cover up. She said Sloan was a shark who took advantage of vulnerable people like him. Trask called and told Trask that the charges against him were dropped. She said she was still going to go after him for hitting a cop.

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