Days Update Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Xander sits at his desk at the Titan office, reading the Spectator article about Sarah identifying Brady as the drunk driver that hit her. Xander declares that son of a bitch is finally going to pay. Eric then enters and asks if he’s doing a victory dance. Xander complains that Brady put his wife in a wheelchair so he will rejoice in his downfall. Xander questions why Eric is there. Eric sits down and declares he’s not going anywhere until they have a little chat.

Tate visits Brady in the interrogation room at the police station. Tate asks how he’s doing. Brady responds that he’s a lot better than when Tate found him last night. Tate questions him being passed out drunk but Brady insists that he wasn’t drunk.

Kristen goes to the DiMera Mansion and confronts EJ over having Brady arrested again. Kristen calls it harassment, arguing that he has no concrete evidence linking Brady to Sarah’s hit and run but he’s having the police drag him in. EJ guesses she hasn’t heard that an eye witness came forward which Kristen questions. EJ informs her that it was the victim herself, Sarah Kiriakis.

Fiona brings Sarah to the park in her wheelchair. Sarah thanks her for bringing her. Fiona says it gives them time to talk about what Sarah told the police that she remembered seeing. Sarah asks what about it. Fiona then reveals that she knows Sarah was lying.

Brady tells Tate that he knows how it must have looked, but he was not drinking last night. Tate asks how he can even say that when he was slurring his words and he had to carry him to bed. Brady explains that he doesn’t remember everything but he was totally out of it, though he swears that something knocked him out that wasn’t alcohol. Brady declares that after what happened to Sarah, he’s never drinking again and asks Tate to please believe him.

Sophia approaches Holly in the town square. Holly questions what she wants. Sophia says she just wanted to congratulate her on her new job which Holly questions. Sophia asks if Holly didn’t get hired as the district attorney’s new teen detective.

Kristen questions EJ about Sarah being his eye witness. EJ guesses she hasn’t seen the news today. EJ informs Kristen that Sarah came forward last night, saying she remembers seeing Brady in the driver’s seat of the car that hit her, so despite Kristen’s antics, Brady is finally going to pay for his crimes. Kristen questions Sarah suddenly remembering after all this time. EJ thinks it’s not so implausible for memories to come back slowly after trauma. Kristen argues that EJ knows Sarah is lying.

Sarah question why Fiona thinks she’s lying. Fiona responds that she just knows she doesn’t remember seeing Brady behind the wheel that night. Sarah asks how she could know that. Fiona flashes back to the accident. Sarah asks Fiona why she thinks she doesn’t remember seeing Brady driving the car that hit her.

Xander tells Eric that if he came to beg for mercy for Brady, he can save his breath because they now have concrete evidence that he ran down Sarah. Eric says he didn’t come for absolution for his brother, but to ask Xander what he was doing in his parent’s house last night, standing over Brady while he was all but dead to the world.

Brady asks Tate if he believes that he wasn’t drinking last night. Tate confirms that he does and he’s 100% in his corner. Brady says it means a lot to hear him say that as he knows this hasn’t been easy for him. Brady says it’s like the whole town thinks the worst of him and he deserves that but Tate doesn’t. Brady adds that Tate doesn’t deserve to have both of his parents in prison and he’s sorry about that. Tate assures that he’ll be fine. Brady knows his grandparents are behind him. Brady asks about things with Holly. Tate admits they aren’t great and things are going quite badly. Brady asks if something happened. Tate explains that Holly just hasn’t been understanding at all about the accident and Brady not meaning to hurt anyone, complaining that she’s so damn angry and she won’t even try to see his point of view. Tate questions how he could be with someone who doesn’t respect that he loves his father. Brady says she’s just angry about her aunt and encourages giving her time. Tate responds that he was trying to give her time, until he found out what she did. Brady questions what she did. Tate then reveals that Holly snuck in to Brady’s room, looking for dirt on him.

Holly asks Sophia what the hell she’s talking about. Sophia says she heard all about her pathetic little spy games and mocks her. Holly calls her mean, petty, and vindictive, arguing that she has no idea what she’s talking about. Sophia then remarks that she knows what Tate told her because he had to talk to someone. Sophia brings up Holly lying about wanting to get back together just so she could snoop around Brady’s room and says that’s low even for her. Sophia bets EJ put Holly up to it.

EJ asks why Kristen doesn’t believe that Sarah’s memory about that night could’ve returned. Kristen argues that she’s not an idiot, pointing out that even Marlena’s hypnosis couldn’t bring back Sarah’s memories. Kristen questions Sarah suddenly having a miraculous recall after finding out Brady wasn’t going to face charges and calls it a little convenient.

Sarah questions why Fiona thinks she’s lying about seeing Brady. Fiona admits that she overheard her telling Xander that she lied to the police when she was on her way back to the bedroom, but she can’t figure out why. Fiona asks if it’s because she wants to see Brady punished. Sarah says it’s not that, but that she had no choice. Fiona doesn’t understand. Sarah explains that Xander has been so consumed with anger and obsessed with getting revenge against Brady, so he was going to kill Brady and make it look like a suicide, so she had no choice but to lie to the police as it was the only way to save Brady and Xander.

Brady questions Tate catching Holly snooping around in his room. Tate confirms that she already got in to his briefcase when he caught her and she tried to act all innocent but then admitted what she was doing and he was beyond pissed off, so he made her leave the house and can’t stand to look at her. Brady is sorry that his situation caused them to have a fight. Tate tells him there’s more as he thinks EJ and Holly have been teaming up. Brady asks what he means. Tate says he thinks EJ put Holly up to going after him as they have been acting like buddies ever since Holly found out that Eric killed her father. Tate wishes he hadn’t told her that. Brady insists there’s no way that Tate could’ve known that Holly didn’t already know. Brady assures that Tate is not to blame for any of it and that it’s him and Eric that made horrific mistakes. Brady thinks EJ is using Holly’s anger as a weapon against him, so he advises Tate not to be too hard on Holly. Brady knows they are both angry but in the end, he thinks Tate will need Holly as much as she needs him. Brady tells Tate that he loves him and he’s proud of him, thanking him for his compassion and kindness. Tate says he loves him too and decides to get going to catch up on his school work. Tate guesses he will see him soon and tells him to take care as he exits the room. Brady remarks to himself that EJ never lets up.

EJ tells Kristen that she’s got it all wrong since Sarah isn’t like her and wasn’t raised by Stefano or taught to get through life with nefarious plans. EJ admits he’s cut from the same cloth, but Sarah is a Horton and a stand-up citizen. Kristen argues that Sarah lied twice about the paternity of her children. EJ feels Kristen is grasping at straws because she’s still in love with Brady even though he detests her which Kristen disagrees with. Kristen tells EJ that she and Brady are getting closer lately and it would break Rachel’s heart if Brady went to prison but EJ doesn’t give a damn about his niece. Kristen argues that EJ just wants to do this to hurt Eric and says it isn’t Brady’s fault that Nicole left him. EJ responds that it is Brady’s fault that Sarah is crippled so he is going to do everything in his power to make sure Brady pays dearly. Kristen says they’ll see about that as she then storms out of the room.

Eric asks Xander again what the hell he was doing in his parents’ house last night. Xander responds that he went there to warn Brady that he wasn’t going to rest until he was behind bars and that’s it. Eric questions how Brady ended up smashed last night. Xander tells Eric that Brady is a drunk. Eric questions if he was smashed when he got there. Xander says the door was open, Brady was in his sorry state and the next thing he knew, the police barged in. Eric responds that he doesn’t buy a word of his story.

Sarah explains to Fiona that Xander was going to kill Brady and make it look like he took his own life, so she had no choice but to lie to the police. Sarah adds that she was in the park when she saw Xander plotting with some guy. Sarah tells Fiona that she’s sorry as she knows it must be so upsetting. Fiona cries that it’s all her fault as she has hurt Sarah, Xander, and Brady so much. Sarah tells her she’s not to blame for any of this but Fiona says she is to blame for all of it.

Holly asks Sophia how any of this is her business. Sophia responds that Tate made it her business when he confided in her which he’s been doing a lot lately. Sophia argues that she shouldn’t take out what Eric did on Tate. Holly argues that she has no idea what she’s been going through. Holly says she’s angry because Brady ran over Sarah and didn’t even stop to see if she was okay. Sophia questions how any of that is Tate’s fault and says she broke his trust by breaking in to Brady’s room. Holly argues that she didn’t break in as the door was open, so Sophia asks what her explanation is for prying in to his briefcase. Holly says she doesn’t owe her an explanation for anything. Sophia doesn’t see how she could use Tate like that and says no wonder he keeps coming to her for comfort. Holly complains that Sophia has been trying to steal Tate from her for months. Sophia responds that she doesn’t have to steal him because Holly is handing him over by being the same broken hot mess she’s been since they were kids. Sophia remarks that she’s also obviously sexually repressed. Holly tells her to shut the hell up. Sophia states that Holly not putting out works in her favor since Tate is obviously ready to go and she can’t wait to get him in bed. Sophia adds that even if Holly was putting out, she couldn’t satisfy Tate like she can and will. Holly then slaps Sophia right as Tate walks up and asks what the hell she is doing. Tate checks on Sophia and asks if she’s alright. Sophia says she’s fine and just needs some ice. Tate questions what is wrong with Holly. Holly argues that she started it. Tate argues that she didn’t have to hit her. Sophia admits that Holly is telling the truth that she did start it.

Kristen goes to see Brady in the interrogation room and says she’s sorry as she came as soon as she heard. Kristen adds that Rachel doesn’t know and asks how he is. Brady says he’s fine. Kristen complains that he shouldn’t be in here and she could strangle EJ. Brady tells her not to blame EJ as he’s just doing his job as this is where he belongs and what he deserves. Kristen argues that Rachel deserves both of her parents while Brady says they talked about this and that Rachel has Kristen and his parents, so she’ll be fine. Kristen hates that Brady is so passive about this, urging him to fight and she’ll fight with him. Kristen declares that she will not just stand by and watch him go to prison. Brady stops her and says there’s nothing more that can be done. Kristen disagrees and tells him that she has a plan as she could make Sarah disappear.

Sarah questions why Fiona thinks she’s to blame for any of this. Fiona explains that she was with Brady right before the accident and she’s a recovering alcoholic too, so she should’ve seen the signs and taken him to a meeting. Fiona cries that she’s sorry and hopes Sarah can forgive her. Sarah says there’s nothing to forgive as there was no way for her to know that Brady would drive. Sarah hates that she lied to the police, but because she did, Brady will face the consequences of his actions.

Eric tells Xander that he was with Brady at the Pub last night and he wasn’t drinking. Xander argues that he wouldn’t drink right in front of him. Eric mentions that Brady said he didn’t drink after leaving. Xander remarks that Eric would believe him since he’s one of his enablers. Eric brings up Brady telling him about his run in with Brian, who claimed to be from his AA meetings, and how he scratched his hand with his ring when they shook hands, then next thing Brady is blacked out at home. Xander questions what Eric is implying. Eric responds that he’s straight up calling him out and says he knows what Xander did. Eric declares that Xander took a page out of Victor’s playbook and hired a thug to do his dirty work. Xander questions Eric thinking he hired some mystery man to shake Brady’s hand and roofie him with a poisoned ring. Xander asks if Eric is delusional. Eric insists that he knows Xander had something to do with it and he intends to prove it. Xander questions what exactly he thinks they had planned for Brady. Eric suggests maybe Xander planned on killing Brady but Jada showed up in time to stop him from doing it. Xander argues that Sarah remembers Brady hitting her, so whatever he was doing at his house is beside the point. Eric warns Xander that messing with his family is messing with him. Xander asks if he’s threatening him when Brady is the reason that his wife might be stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. Xander yells at Eric to get the hell out so Eric walks out of the office.

Brady questions Kristen’s plan being to make Sarah disappear. Kristen points out that it wouldn’t be the first time and says if Brady says the word, she could have Sarah on the DiMera island by tomorrow or she could take a page from Connie and set off a bomb. Brady tells her no and asks her to stay out of this to let justice take it’s course. Kristen apologizes but says she couldn’t keep that promise. Kristen insists that she and Rachel need him. Kristen declares that she loves Brady and will do whatever it takes to save him. Brady tries to stop her but Kristen leaves the room.

Fiona tells Sarah that she hasn’t heard her say before that she wants Brady to pay for what he did. Sarah admits that she hadn’t wanted to since he didn’t do it intentionally, but the more she thinks about it, she does believe that if someone drives drunk, they should be punished to some extent. Sarah adds that Brady hit her and left her there, not knowing if she was alive or dead. Fiona knows they haven’t known each other very long, but she hopes she knows how much she means to her. Fiona adds that if not for Sarah, she would’ve never come to Salem, reconciled with her son, or met her granddaughter. Fiona tells Sarah that she loves her and she’s like a daughter to her as they hug.

Tate tells Sophia that she doesn’t have to take the blame for what happened as he saw Holly hit her. Holly questions Tate taking her side. Sophia admits that she should’ve stayed out of it but says she just got so mad about what Holly did to Tate and Brady and says she feels so bad for Tate. Holly calls her unbelievable and asks if Tate is buying this crap. Sophia adds that when she called out Holly for what she did, she went off on her and slapped her. Holly yells at her to tell him what she really said but Tate tells her that’s enough and to stop as she’s caused enough damage for one day. Tate brings up that Brady thinks EJ is manipulating Holly but he thinks he’s wrong. Tate declares that he’s done. Holly asks what he means and if he is breaking up with her as Sophia watches on with a smile. Holly asks Tate if it’s just over between them then. Holly calls Tate a coward and says she’ll save him the trouble. Holly declares that they are over and tells Tate and Sophia to have a happy life together as they totally deserve each other. Holly says goodbye to Tate and storms off.

Sarah thanks Fiona for her kind words and says she loves her too. Sarah says what they talked about earlier needs to stay between them as no one can know. Fiona says she understands completely and calls it their little secret. Eric then appears in the bushes and sees them together.

Xander opens his desk drawer and pulls out his gun, commenting that Eric better hope the justice system works fast or else he’ll have no choice but to take matters into his own hands.

EJ enters the interrogation room. Brady questions what he wants and complains that there’s no need to interrogate him anymore, so he tells him to get the hell out. EJ reminds him that he doesn’ tell him what to do. EJ mentions seeing that Kristen was there to see him and hopes she didn’t fill his head with hope. EJ tells Brady that he has him dead to rights as thanks to Sarah’s statement, there isn’t anything Kristen can do to spare him spending the next 20 or more years in prison.

Kristen goes home to the DiMera Mansion and talks to the portrait of Stefano, commenting that she knows John Black was Stefano’s sworn enemy, but John’s son Brady really is a good man and the father of her child. Kristen cries that she loves Brady with all her heart and because Stefano loved her, she knows that if he were here, he would help her save Brady. Kristen adds that now EJ has Sarah’s statement and there is nothing she can do to get Brady out of this without a miracle. Kristen is then shocked when Dr. Rolf emerges from the DiMera tunnels.

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