GH Update Wednesday, April 13, 2022

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Update written by Dustin

For some reason, Spencer was surprised to see Trina at Ava’s gallery, but that didn’t stop him from talking to her and trying to explain himself. The problem was Trina did not want to hear it. As she asked him how he can believe she would have recorded Josslyn and Cameron, she also reminded him that she was with him at his mother’s grave when the video was released. He is her alibi, except she lied to Jordan about who she was with. However, she informed Spencer that she would tell Scott everything if it meant she would go free.

As Trina ranted to Spencer about how angry she is at him, he suddenly told her to stop and confessed that he was only living with Esme at Wyndemere so he could find evidence that she framed Trina. When Trina asked why, he said he was falling in love with her. They almost kissed, but then Spencer came out of his dream state, and the audience realized he was only fantasizing about saying all this to Trina. Yes, it all seemed too good to be true.

Speaking of true, it turned out that Esme’s story about having a nanny named Maggie wasn’t something she made up. After she grew closer to Nikolas by repeating her sob story, she looked through her box of letters and found one from Maggie warning her to stay away from her father while she is in New York.

Little did Esme know that downstairs, Ava had returned after begging Scott and Dante to save Trina. Although Nikolas told her that he was keeping Esme close to see if she’d slip up, Ava informed her husband that she was canceling their vow renewal ceremony.

Liesl was happy to have a family dinner at the Metro Court with Scott joining them. Nina made herself scarce quickly while Britt had to watch Scott and Liesl’s public displays of affection. She also had to endure her mother asking her how online dating is going.

At the bar, Dante discussed Trina’s case with Sam  and she tried to get information out of him about what was in that forensic report about Trina. When he wasn’t forthcoming and walked away for a moment, Sam swiped Dante’s phone and guessed the password was ROCCO. Too bad Dante came back while she was forwarding the email to her own phone.  Dante caught her red handed.

At Charlie’s, Brando Corbin and Sasha discussed finding a place to live together and Sasha then worried Brando only married her because she insisted they do it. Brando assured her that wasn’t the case, but Sasha was still in bad shape because Phyllis offered her condolences about Liam, which caused Sasha to relapse into one of her depressed states.

Phyllis also got quite an offer from Sonny when he wanted to sell her Charlie’s for $100. Nina convinced her to do it and then Sonny sent his bodyguard to watch her while she made a bank deposit. Nina and Sonny were finally alone when two gunmen walked in and demanded all the money and their jewelry.

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