Star Trek Polls

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Captain Picard and Captain Kirk meet in the movie "Star Trek: Generations"

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Which is your favorite Star Trek movie?
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Which is your favorite Next Generation movie?
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Which is your favorite Kelvin Star Trek movie?


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Who Is the Best Star Trek Captain?
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Which time would you rather live in?
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Which would you rather be?

Ensigns Boimler and Mariner accidentally go back to the past to visit the crew of the Enterprise in "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds"


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Family Guy

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Who Is Your Favorite Character?
Who Is Your Favorite Character?
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Who is Lois' favorite?
Who is Lois' favorite?

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What should happen to the Griffins?
What should happen to the Griffins?


Famly Guy collage

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Neil, Malcolm and Dru


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The 4 actors who've played Adam