Days Transcript Friday, September 27, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


[soft dramatic music]

Alex, hi.

Hey. Sorry. Were you sleeping? I know it’s late.

No, it’s okay. I was just getting ready for bed. What’s up?

Nothing, really. I just wanted to stop by and thank you for tonight, all your hard work at the photo shoot. But I will not keep you. I’ll let you sleep, and I’ll see you tomorrow.

Alex, wait. Eric just sent over some of the proofs from the shoot. Do you want to stay and take a look?

[tender music]

What you looking at?

Oh, Stephanie just emailed me some of Eric’s proofs.

Oh, yeah? Let me see. Wow, these are, uh– these are great.

Right? And I think that was, like, one of the first ones that he took. I bet you they get better as they go on.

Well, I mean, these photos, they’re fantastic. And you look gorgeous in all of them.

[tense music] Even this one. Hmm.

Sarah, dear.


How are you feeling? Is there anything I can do for you?

Uh, no.

I just peeked into Victoria’s room. Oh, my goodness, that child is an angel when she’s sleeping. Where’s Xander?

There’s–there’s something you should know.

What is it, darling?

It’s about Brady.

[tense music]

Well, looks like the drug did its job. Now all I have to do is put this gun in your hand and pull the trigger. You know, Brady, my only regret is that you won’t feel the pain– or know the torment that you inflicted upon my Sarah.

[knocking at door]

Brady Black? It’s the police. Open up.

What’s going on here?

I came by to offer Brady my support, and I found him all passed out like this, and– what are you doing here?

I just got a call from Sarah.

Sarah called you?

Yeah, with some rather shocking information.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Eric got some really great shots.

He’s such a talented photographer.


[gasps] That’s a great one of you and Chanel.

Yeah. It looks like we’re actually in love instead of ready to kill each other.

That’s the whole point of acting, right? Convincing everyone else that you’re feeling something you’re not.

Hmm, yeah. That’s why they pay us actors the big bucks, because that can be very, very challenging sometimes.

[laughs] I’m sure it can be.

Anyway, I hope Kate and Abe are happy with these.

Oh, they’re gonna be thrilled, especially the one of you and Chanel. I’m just not sure Johnny’s gonna share that sentiment.

[tense music] – Wow. Eric really did an amazing job. You know Alex and I try to avoid each other like the plague, but from these photos, you would never guess that we can’t stand each other.

Nope. Nope. You, uh–you sure couldn’t.


I’ve gotta admit, I was a little thrown when I walked in and saw you guys getting along so well, but I was very impressed with your acting ability.

Well, thank you, Mr. Director. And I have to say, maybe Alex isn’t such a jerk after all.

Well, let’s not get carried away.

No, seriously. We talked, and he actually feels the same way that we do about the lovemaking scene. He agrees that it is way too soon.

He does?

Yeah. And we both just wish that our head writer, AKA Leo Stark, would postpone it.

Yeah, well, there is no luck there. I already tried talking to Leo, asked him to rewrite the script, and he was having none of it. Why are you looking at me like that?

Because I cannot believe you did that. Damn it, Johnny! Why would you go behind my back like that?


[tense music]

What about Brady?

Xander told me that you two had had an affair or a fling, whatever you want to call it.

I see. Well, I hope Xander also told you that I had no idea that Brady was Anna’s nephew, nor could I have predicted, of course, that he would drive drunk and cause such a terrible accident. And he–he seemed like such a good man.

What–no, Brady is a good man. He just made a terrible mistake. Which is why I am so grateful to you for stopping Xander from attacking him with a baseball bat. God, I hate having to say that.

That’s understandable. And as I’m sure you know, as do I, that my son has a history of letting his temper get the better of him. But please, please don’t think that just because I prevented him from meting out some vigilante justice that I’m not absolutely appalled by what Brady did to you.

No, I don’t think that.

I’m glad. I’m glad to hear that. And also, I hope you know that Brady and I are over. I want nothing more to do with that man.

And I’m–I’m sure that Xander will be especially happy about that. But that isn’t what I wanted to talk to you about.

Oh. Well, what then?


[sighs] I decided to be proactive in preventing Xander from going through with his vigilante justice.

[exhales] I see. And then–so what exactly did you do?

I sent the police to Brady’s house. They should be there now.

I was still sleeping.


Wow, he’s really wasted, huh?


Sarah told us that we needed to get here right away.

[tense music]

This. In a few hours, Brady Black will be a dead man. What exactly did Sarah say?

She told me that she remembers seeing Brady behind the wheel on the night of the accident.

So you know now that Brady was behind the wheel the night of the accident?

Yeah. I thought that I would never remember, but then suddenly it all came back to me, and I could very clearly see his face.

And he was in the driver’s seat?

Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, he was. And so as soon as I remembered, I called the police and told them that I would testify to that fact, and that they should go and arrest Brady immediately before someone else got hurt.

[suspenseful music]

Brady? Brady?



It’s Jada Hunter.

Sure. Jada, what? Jada, what?

Looks like you’ve been drinking.

No, no, no. No, no, no. I don’t do that anymore. I don’t drink and drive or anything.

Yeah, right.

[groan] That’s what Tate said. That’s what Tate said. But I’m so–I’m– I’m sober as a–as a judge.

Brady, I’m gonna have to take you down to the station.

Take–why? I don’t–I didn’t even drive home.

Well, given the condition you’re in, thank God for that. But I’m not here about tonight. I am placing you under arrest for Sarah’s hit and run.

[dramatic music]

So you think Johnny’s gonna have a bad reaction to these, huh?

Mm, yup, I do.

Even though it’s clear that Chanel and I were just acting, and that’s all. And the guy’s gonna be directing us, so I hope he realizes that he’s gonna have to get used to seeing us like that at some point.

Yeah, well, I don’t know what he does or doesn’t realize, but you didn’t see his face when he walked into the shoot.


Well, let’s just say he– he was not happy.

Okay, well, that seems kind of crazy because we were acting, like I said. And besides that, Chanel hates my guts, so there’s really nothing for him to worry about.

Alex, you and I know there’s nothing to worry about, but I don’t know. Maybe it’s just hard for Johnny, either because he’s, you know, jealous or insecure.

Hmm. Well, I hope he gets over the jealousy at some point because Chanel and I were in character. That is all.

Yeah, I get that.

[tense jazzy music]

I was surprised that we actually seemed to get along a little bit better at the photo shoot, though. Chanel was actually friendly to me, you know? And I responded in a kind way, you know? Wait a second.

Wait a second, what?

You don’t think that’s gonna, like, ruin our onscreen chemistry, do you? The fact that we’re, like, seemingly getting along?

Why would that ruin your onscreen chemistry?

Well, I don’t think it would. It’s just Abe asked me to audition for this part because he saw the way Chanel and me were at each other’s throats.

It’s okay. Uh–

[clears throat] Chanel? I am the director of this show, in case that slipped your mind. I’m allowed to confer with the head writer.

[sigh] okay. Just tell me, Johnny– when did this happen? When did you go talk to Leo?

Why does it matter? And why are you so upset? You even said you weren’t happy with the scene. You were about to call Leo before Stephanie texted you with the call to the photo shoot.

That’s right. That’s right. I was about to call him to talk to him about my character and my scenes, but you beat me to it. You went behind my back, Johnny, to solve a problem that was mine and mine alone to solve. That was unethical and just–


Okay, let’s slow down, all right? Why do you keep saying that I– I went behind your back? I was having your back. I was trying to look out for you–

Oh, by going to the head writer and asking him to change my character’s part of the script?

Okay. Chanel, I honestly don’t understand why you’re so upset about this. You were just telling me that Alex agreed with you that the Faith and Errol love scene was happening too soon and that it needed to be rewritten. All of a sudden, he’s some good guy? I do the same thing, and then I’m out of line somehow.

Because it wasn’t your place.

[laughs] okay.

Alex and I are the ones who have to play the scene.

And as I reminded you before, Chanel, I am the director. So I have every right to go and talk to the head writer about my take on a scene, any scene, including yours.

Yeah, well.

Yeah, well, what?

We both know that that is not why you went to go talk to Leo.

[laughs] Oh. Oh. Oh, really? Okay. I went to talk to Leo because you were uncomfortable with the scene, all right? You said you didn’t want the sex scene to happen with Alex so soon.

I know that, okay? But when Alex and I discussed it, we decided that we were going to talk to Kate.


And then we decided that we were going to wait.

Wait for what? The scene shoots in, like, three days. Unless what? What, Chanel? Did you change your mind? Did you decide that you and Alex were just getting along together so well and that the photo shoot was so much fun that maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to have a love scene with your new costar? Hmm?

[tense music]

Hmm. Well, thank you for showing me these.

Of course.

And now I will let you get some sleep.

Oh, yes. You should get some rest too. Big day tomorrow.

Yeah, big day tomorrow. That’s kind of the problem.

What do you mean?

Well, look. I know people see me as this somewhat cool, antihero type. And I probably shouldn’t admit this, but, uh, I’m a little nervous about tomorrow. Too amped to sleep.

Yeah. Well, I totally get that.


And it doesn’t make me think you’re any less cool or antiheroic.

Oh. Well, I’m so relieved.

And, hey, I was thinking of watching one more episode of “Ted” before bed. Want to join me?


Yeah. It’s no fun watching a foul-mouthed teddy bear alone, you know? No one to laugh with.

Well, I can’t argue with that.

[ soft music]

[sirens blaring]

Hey, Jada.

Eric, hi.

What’s going on?

I–I got a call from my mom. Said a neighbor saw you taking Brady out of his house in handcuffs.

Yeah, I arrested him for Sarah’s hit and run.

What? I thought EJ decided there wasn’t enough evidence to prosecute Brady for that charge.

There’s been a new development in the case.

Well, okay, what sort of development?

Sarah remembered what happened.

[tense music]

So you just remembered it was Brady tonight?

Sarah, we really need to– Mom.

I was, uh, just telling your mom how the memory of seeing Brady behind the wheel the night of the accident just came back.

Yeah, I just learned about that myself. Mom, um, would you mind checking on Victoria for me?

No, of course.


So, uh, Jada just showed up at Brady’s place. She told me what you told her.

Oh, thank God. I was so scared she wasn’t gonna show up in time.

Sarah, tell me the truth. Did you really remember seeing Brady?



No. I was lying. I had no other choice. I had to stop you from killing him.

Well, now I am even more insulted. You think that I actually want to have a sex scene with Alex now because I was civilized with him at a photo shoot?

Hey, Chanel, please, just try and see where I’m coming from, okay? You were totally against doing these scenes the last time we talked about it, and now it seems like you’re totally cool with doing them. Which I guess shouldn’t surprise me since you had no problem putting your hands all over Alex in those pictures.

Oh, for God’s sake.

Hey, it wouldn’t be the first time, right?

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

That is supposed to mean that when you two started groping each other, maybe, just maybe, it reminded you of the last sexy little time you and Alex had together. And you thought it wouldn’t be so bad to do a little, I don’t know, recreation for the camera. I mean, after all, what’s a little simulated sex between friends, huh?

[tense music]

You know what, Johnny? You don’t even deserve an explanation after that unfair explanation that you’ve come up with, okay? But for the record, Alex and I decided to wait to talk to Kate because we realized that it was getting late and it would be a better conversation for tomorrow. That is the God’s honest truth. But if you prefer to think that it is because I want to jump Alex’s bones, then you go right ahead and think that. And I mean, I already feel disrespected enough, so why don’t you just double down and make it worse?

You know, now that I’ve done a little acting myself, I’ve got to say, the bear that plays Ted is really good. I’m seriously impressed. All these other actors, they’re being able to be so convincing, playing opposite a CGI stuffed bear. Huh. You want to run another episode?

[soft dramatic music] Steph?

[echoing] You ready for this?

[echoing] I am so ready.

You and I, we have an amazing chemistry, don’t we?

Mm. It’s off the charts, baby. Which is why we don’t have to act. This heat between us, it’s real.

It’s very real. Baby, when I look into your eyes… it’s like I can see your soul. All your wants, your needs, your desires.

All of them?

All of them. And right now, I just want to take you to bed. I’m gonna make mad, passionate love to you.

I want to ravish you. Like a–


Like a–

Go on. Like a what?

Like a– like a peacock.

Huh? Like a peacock?


Oh. Hey.

Hey. Yeah, you were dreaming, obviously.

Yeah. Yeah, that was weird. There was a–a peacock in it.

I mean, maybe it’s not that weird. We were just watching an episode of “Ted” on Peacock.

Yeah, right. That must be it.

Yeah. Yeah. So what were you dreaming about? A foul-mouthed bear?

About a bear. Uh, no. No.

No. Okay. Well, whatever you were dreaming about, it seemed pretty intense.

What do you mean? Was I, like, talking in my sleep?

You were mumbling.

Wait. What did I say?

I don’t know. I couldn’t make it out, but– I don’t know. So you weren’t dreaming about the bear. What were you dreaming about?

[both chuckle]

Yeah, I thought it was a bit of a coincidence that you suddenly remembered seeing Brady just in time to send the cops to his house. But I’m surprised you were able to bring yourself to lie to the police, especially after how you reacted when I suggested you do it.

Well, you didn’t leave me much choice, did you? What did you think? I was just gonna come home and go to sleep after you told me that you were gonna murder him and then make it look like a suicide?

It was the only way to get justice for what he did to you.

Apparently not, since I came up with a different solution. After I accepted the fact that you were determined to punish Brady, I realized that if I just remembered seeing him behind the wheel, then the police would have no choice but to go and arrest him. And then Brady wouldn’t die, you wouldn’t go to prison for the rest of your life for his murder, and then we would get the justice for me that you are so desperately seeking. It’s the only way that I could save you and Brady both.

[tense music] So now I just– I have to live with the lie, which is so much better than living without you.


How are you doing, Brady?

Doing better. Jada’s been plying me with coffee since I got in here.

I don’t understand. After everything that’s happened, how could you drink again?

Eric, I didn’t. I didn’t. You were with me at the pub. You know I wasn’t.

How about after you left the pub?

I went home. And then–then I was start– I was starting to feel really strange. And then I was totally out of it.

So after you and I parted ways, nothing happened between then and when you got home?

No. Well, wait, wait, wait. I–I did run into this guy.

What guy?

I ran into this guy in the square, and he said he recognized me from an AA meeting.

Did you know him?

No, I’d never– I’d never seen him before. But I mean, that– that’s not unusual. There’s a reason they call it Alcoholics Anonymous, right? And the guy said he hardly ever spoke up. But he, uh, said some words. He wished me well, and he– He shook– he shook my hand, and–

And–and then what?

It surprised me at the time, but um, he cut my hand with his ring. It was–it wasn’t deep or anything, but yeah. Yeah, no, it was–it hurt. It was pretty sharp.

And then you went straight home afterwards?

Yeah. Yeah. No, Tate was there, and, um– look, I must have been out of it, because yeah, he even accused me of drinking. He had to–he had to even help me to bed. And then the next thing I remember was Jada shaking me, waking me up.

[snaps fingers] And she–and now, she was talking to someone.

Talking to another cop?

It wasn’t another cop. I’m pretty sure it was Xander.

Oh, darling. When Jada burst into Brady’s room, I did, just for a second, think maybe you’d ratted me out.

I mean, the thought did cross my mind. But I realized I can’t do that to you. You’re my husband, the father of my child. I just realized all I could do was call Jada and just hope that she made it there in time to stop you.

But what if she’d walked in right when I was putting the gun in his hand?

It’s just a risk I had to take.

So this dream you were having, you had a really big smile on your face, Stephanie, which kept getting bigger and bigger.

[chuckles] Okay. All right, all right. So not only mumbling, but smiling too. How embarrassing.

Oh, my God. Why were you embarrassed for having a good dream? Come on, just tell me. What was it about?

Well, like I said, it wasn’t about “Ted.” It was about a stuffed animal that I had when I was a kid. It was just like Ted. A bear, obviously.

Hmm. So you had a stuffed bear that would talk to you?

Most of our conversations were one way. He was a very good listener.

Yeah? You take him to bed with you?

That’s a weird question.

Why is that a weird question? I’m just trying to understand this relationship between you and said bear.

Okay. Okay. Uh, uh, yeah. Well, in the dream–


I was about to… take him to bed. Never got that far.


[suspenseful music]

I’m sorry, okay, Chanel. I really don’t want to fight with you about this.

Are you sure about that? ‘Cause it sure seems like you do.

No, I don’t, all right? I’m an idiot, okay?

Hmm, finally, we agree on something.

Nice. Look, it’s just when I walked into that room and I saw you and Alex with your hands all over each other, my head just kind of spiraled. And I couldn’t help but think about the fact that you two had slept together in the past. And I know that that was a long time–

Johnny, listen to me, okay? The only reason why Alex and I were touching each other was because we were giving Abe and Kate promotional material for the show, okay? I was doing a job, the job I was hired for, the job that you recommended me for.

You’re right–

It was your idea–

I know. I said you’re right. You’re right. You’re absolutely right.

What went on between me and Alex was a performance, okay? It was fake, not real. And since you have trouble telling the difference, let me spell it out for you, okay? What is happening right here, right now, how totally pissed off I am at you, this is real.

[tense music]

That’s fantastic.

[soft dramatic music]

Look, I really am sorry, okay? Hey, the first scenes are tomorrow. I know that you are going to kill it.

I have an early call tomorrow. : a.m. See you on set.


Well, I’ve got a : a.m. call time, so I should probably try and go sleep and dream between the tossing and turning.

Yeah. Yeah. You’d better.

Hmm. Well, thank you for letting me come by and hang out for a while.

Any time.

You gonna be on set tomorrow?

First day shooting for “Body and Soul”? Wouldn’t miss it.

Good. It’ll be nice to have you there– for moral support.

That’s what friends are for, right?

That’s right, pal.

[both chuckle]

[suspenseful jazzy music]

Good night.

Good night.

Even though it was my only option, I don’t feel good about lying to the police. But as much as I hate having Brady arrested on false pretenses, there’s no doubt in my mind that he’s guilty.

I’m sorry, darling. I know you didn’t want to do things this way.

What’s done is done, and it’s not like I’m framing an innocent man, right?

You’re not. Brady confessed. He knows he was the one that was driving that car even if he doesn’t remember it either.

Yeah. And now he is going to pay for what he’s done, so you can stop your one-man crusade to get me justice.

That’s all I wanted, was for the person that hurt you to get what they deserve.

[tense music]

How’s Brady doing?

Sobering up.

Yeah. Being arrested will do that to you.

So Xander, he was there when you took Brady into custody?

Yeah, he was. He was in there when I walked into the room.

Did he happen to say why he was there?

He said he came by to talk to Brady, and he found him out cold on the bed. Excuse me. I have to take this.


Detective Hunter.

Why were you really there, Xander?

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