Days Short Recap Friday, September 13, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Eric ran into Tate at the high school. He was looking for Holly, but Tate told him that she left. Tate told him that he regretted telling Holly the truth about what happened to Daniel. He understood why she was upset, but he apologized to her. Sophia heard his conversation with Eric and continued to listen. Eric advised him to give her some space. He left to look for Holly. Sophia approached Tate and asked how he was doing. She heard about his dad and told him that she was glad he was let go. He said he didn’t want to lose him like he lost his mother. She said that he had Holly for support. Sophia smirked while he wasn’t looking. Tate wished he had her support. Holly offered to help EJ get evidence against Brady. He told her that she wouldn’t be able to help because Kristen stole the car. She wondered if Brady was going to get away with what he did. They agreed to do whatever they could to bring Brady down. Holly was about to leave when EJ stopped her. He wanted to know why she wanted to bring Brady down. She didn’t think it was fair that her aunt was in a wheelchair while Brady walked around free. Holly didn’t think that was right after what Eric got away with doing. EJ realized she knew what happened and apologized to her. He said that he told Ncole to tell her the truth, but she wouldn’t listen to him. EJ told her that he got the divorce papers from her mother. He didn’t want Holly to turn against Nicole. She told him that it was too late. Nicole went halfway around the world with her new family. She felt like no one would get between Nicole and Eric. Holly didn’t approve of what EJ did with Jude though. It hurt her as much as it did Nicole and Eric. EJ apologized for what he did. She knew he was in love with her mother. Holly didn’t think she would still be there if he didn’t help her. He knew she wasn’t her biological father, but he would always care about her. She believed him. Holly talked about the lack of time Eric spent in prison. He promised to do his best to get justice for Sarah. EJ told her that he was proud of her. They hugged each other. Kristen went to Basic Black and warned him that EJ knew she took the car. She told him that EJ tried to get her to turn on him, but she didn’t do it. Brady wanted her to tell EJ the truth. She couldn’t believe what he said. Kristen refused to do that. He said everything would be over once Sarah remembered what happened. She wanted him to think of his children. He reminded her that she sued for sole custody and wouldn’t let him see Rachel. She thought they needed to do something about that. Kristen wanted Rachel to know that he would always be in her life. She had a flashback of EJ telling her that she was still in love with Brady. Kristen ordered him not to give up on his or Rachel’s futures.

Marlena heled Sarah get started with hypnosis. Sarah remembered walking that night and heard a car screeching. She saw a gray car, but didn’t see Brady. Sarah couldn’t make out the face. She looked closer and realized who it was. Xander waited for Sarah at the hospital. Fiona thought it might be better if she didn’t remember who hit her. He believed that she would remember. Fiona warned him not to be too disappointed if she didn’t remember what happened that night. She asked him if he considered the possibility that Brady wasn’t the driver. Xander didn’t believe that. She hoped Brady getting released would be easier. Fiona wanted to move forward from what happened. She thought everyone deserved a second chance. Fiona was grateful for the chance that Xander gave her. She couldn’t bear the thought of losing everything they worked so hard for. Xander was grateful they made up. She was about to tell him something when Sarah came out. She said she saw someone but couldn’t make out the face. Sarah wanted to be alone. After Sarah left, Fiona told him that she didn’t have to tell him anything important. Xander got a call and said he was the only one who could handle the situation. Marlena was taking notes from Sarah’s session when Kristen walked in her office. She told Marlena that she wanted to revisit the custody arrangement. Kristen said Rachel was getting older and wanted to see her father. Marlena questioned her feelings for Brady. Kristen admitted her feelings consist of love and hatred. She tried to get over him, but she doesn’t think she ever will. Fiona and Sarah were in the Kiriakis living room and offered to clean up, but Sarah wanted to do it. She was amazed by Sarah’s positivity. Sarah thanked her and left. Fiona noticed the bat was missing and panicked. Xander walked into Basic Black and told Brady that Sarah didn’t remember who hit her. Brady knew he was there to fire him, but he finished his letter of resignation. Xander reached for his bat and warned him that he would be in a wheelchair now. Brady was ready for whatever Xander wanted to do. Xander didn’t want him to be a martyr. He smashed the office up. Xander was about to hit Brady when Fiona came in and stopped him. She told him that he had a wife and daughter. Xander had a good lawyer. She yelled that she had a confession to make. Xander and Brady were confused.

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