Star Trek: Enterprise Cast Birthdays

Star Trek: Enterprise Cast Birthdays List


Enterprise birthday party

Star Trek: Enterprise Cast Birthdays

Remember your favorite “Star Trek” actor on their birthday or wish them a happy birthday on social media!

Note: We get this information from IMDB and Google, so please let us know if you see anything that’s inaccurate…

Vaughn Armstrong 7/7/50
Scott Bakula 10/9/54
John Billingsley 5/20/60
Jolene Blalock 3/5/75
Jeffrey Combs 9/9/54
Mark Correy 6/13/75
Steven Culp 12/3/55
Jim Fitzpatrick 8/28/59
John Fleck 5/7/51
J. Michael Flynn 4/28/53
Duncan K. Fraser J6/5/76
Gary Graham 6/6/50
Glen Hambly 7/27/63
James Horan 12/14/54
Dominic Keating 7/1/62
Scott MacDonald 10/24/59
Derek Magyar 7/18/80
Sean McGowan 12/1/80
Anthony Montgomery 6/2/71
Randy Oglesby 8/31/48
Linda Park 7/9/78
Eric Pierpoint 11/18/50
Tucker Smallwood 2/22/44
Brent Spiner 2/2/49
Connor Trinneer 3/19/69
Kellie Waymire 7/27/67*
Matt Winston 2/3/70
Rick Worthy 3/12/67

*passed away


Trip and Malcolm celebrating

Most of this Info from Internet Movie Database

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