Star Trek Main Page

Welcome to our Star Trek Page at TVMEG.COM

All of the main "Star Trek" captains so far...


This site is not affiliated with Paramount, Paramount+, “Star Trek” or any of the series, writers, producers or actors. We’re just fans like you! We love to hear from you about our pages or the shows, but please don’t email us as if we know the actors or writers (because we don’t!). Thanks!

“Star Trek” was a TV show in the 60’s that only lasted for 3 years, but it went on to become a worldwide phenomenon and successful franchise spanning not only TV shows but movies, games, books and so much more. Read More

Welcome to our “Star Trek” pages

Win a free copy of “Star Trek Discovery: The Final Season” Blu-ray (Season 5) – we have 2 to give away…
Email us with the subject line “Let’s Fly!” to enter! Ends 9/6/24

Watch Full “Star Trek” episodes, past and present, on Paramount+! Also on Prime Video and some other streaming places. You can also buy the Star Trek DVD’s on Amazon.

Send a message to Paramount+ to let them know how much you love “Star Trek” and want more!

Watch “Star Trek” video clips on YouTube!

Most of the main "Star Trek" Captains

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Last Updated 8/24/24

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