Days Transcript Thursday, September 26, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Holly doesn’t despise me. And, yes, she has every reason to be hurt, but she’ll come around.

[chuckles] Well, I admire your optimism, Eric, as misplaced as it is. You see, I am certain, now that Holly knows what a chronic liar her mother is and that you deprived her of her father, that poor girl is never going to trust either of you again.

[relaxed music] Good thing she has me to lean on, huh?

[clicks tongue]

Why would she want anything to do with you? I mean, after all the lies you told her about Jude?

Well, Holly’s opinion of me has changed dramatically, and commensurately, so has her opinion of you.

[wind whooshes]


[lock clicks]


[tense music] What the hell are you doing?

I was just looking for the bathroom and took a wrong turn, obviously.

Into my dad’s room? Why are you going through his stuff?

Oh, excuse me.

You’re Brady Black, right?

I am. Yeah. Who’s asking? – And you’re clear on your part in this?

Crystal. I know exactly what you need me to do. And no worries, OK? The guy won’t know what hit him. I’m Brian Jones.

Uh, doesn’t ring a bell.

I’ve sat pretty close to you at a couple AA meetings. Navy blue baseball cap, coffee in one hand, stale donut in the other.

Sorry, I don’t remember you at all.

Sarah. How did you get here?

The second that you left, I had Henderson bring the van around. And then I used location tracking to have the driver follow you here.

I see.

So much for Titan business. What are you really doing here?

Sarah, what are you even doing here? You said you were gonna stay home and do those bicep curls.

Yeah, and you said that you weren’t gonna confront Brady again. You lied to me.

Well, I didn’t– I didn’t lie. Look around. Where’s Brady? You see him anywhere?

Then, what are you doing here? Did you join a rugby league? I saw that man that you were talking to. I saw him give you something, and you put it in your pocket. What is it?

Nothing. It’s Titan business.

What kind of Titan business are you doing in a deserted park? Xander, look at me.

Look me in the eye and tell me that this has nothing to do with Brady and your crazy revenge fantasy.

[sighs] I can’t.

Oh, my God, Xander, what were you gonna do?

What’s in your pocket? Tell me!


In a few hours, Brady Black will be a dead man.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[relaxed music]

Give me a break, EJ. Holly was your stepdaughter, for what, a year? And you two were never close.

[exhales sharply] Um, Eric, have you heard the expression “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”? As I’m sure you’re well aware, Holly is apoplectic with both you and Nicole.

She is for now.

For now?

[chuckles] Oh, I think you’re selling that young lady’s wrath a bit short.

Not only did you deceive her, you left her here in Salem so that you and her mother could go and live in– was it the th arrondissement or the th?

You sit here and talk about deception.

This is not a contest. I care deeply about Holly, and so should you.

Of course, I do. When Holly OD’d, I moved heaven and earth to make sure she got the best care, the best doctors.

And you also moved heaven and earth to pin that crime against my nephew. And you’re only pitting Holly against me and her mother now.

I don’t need to turn Holly against you. You two did a brilliant job of that on your own… by lying to her, her whole life. All so because Nicole could preserve the hallowed image of Saint Eric, an image which, well, couldn’t be further from the truth

[tense music]

Would you just calm down, OK?

Calm down? Like, you’re going through my dad’s briefcase. Like, that’s a total violation of his privacy.

I know. I was just looking for something.

Looking for what?

It doesn’t matter. I couldn’t find it.

Holly, come on. Looking for what?


Evidence? What are you talking about? What kind of evidence are you–

Evidence that your dad was driving that car that hit my Aunt Sarah.

Really? Are you sure you don’t recognize me?

[chuckles] No. Uh, I don’t.

Well, it’s probably because I try and stay pretty anonymous at those meetings. I mean, the second A is there for a reason, right?


Four years sober, by the way.

Four years sober, wow. Well, I– I thought I would have heard you share by now then.

I’m more of a listener than a sharer. And I just want you to know, Brady, I appreciate some of the things you’ve said about what your boy went through with the drug charges and the girlfriend and all that. I’ve been through similar stuff with my own kid.

Mm, I see. Well, luckily, in the end, everything turned out to be OK for Tate.

Glad to hear it. And how about you?

What do you mean?

I read in the paper about the hit-and-run you were involved in. Can you believe anyone reads the paper anymore? I guess I’m a little old school. Anyway, I remember reading it and thinking, “There but for the grace of God go I.” Hey, I’m sure it’s eating you up inside. So I just wanted to say good luck with everything. And if you ever want to grab a coffee, read the Big Book together, I’m around.

All right. Ah– ooh!

[groans] What the hell was that?

[ominous music]

Oh, my God! I thought that you came to your senses and realized that this blood lust, this highland justice isn’t gonna solve anything.

Really? Because I’d say it’s the justice system that doesn’t seem too keen on solving anything, Sarah. Just understand, the only reason I didn’t put Brady in a wheelchair with that baseball bat is because my mum intervened, and she only did that because the son of a bitch seduced her, and now she has all this misplaced fondness for him, like someone else I could mention.

Are you talking about me? Brady was my friend.

Was. Look at you, Sarah. Look at all he took from you, from– from my darling Victoria, from us.

[sighs] It’s true. I may never walk again. But I am still here. Baby, I still have my life. And– and it can be a good life.

Darling, your bravery is commendable, and it’s inspiring, but it’s breaking my heart, seeing you have to muster up all this energy to be so relentlessly positive in the face of this terrible hand you’ve been dealt. So if you won’t be angry, I’m gonna be angry for the both of us.

Do you know what breaks my heart? The idea that my husband, the father of my child, is out here playing vigilante, planning to take somebody’s life in my name. Did– did it– did it not occur to you that you could go to prison for the rest of your life? That Victoria and I could lose you forever? Because I– I can’t handle that. I can’t. Not on top of all of this. I can’t.

Sarah, darling, you are never going to lose me. I promise.

What do you think is gonna happen? You think you’re gonna literally get away with murder?

There’s not gonna be any murder.

If you shoot Brady–

I’m not going to shoot Brady. Brady is gonna shoot himself.

[jazzy piano music]

Something wrong with the cheesecake? We also have tiramisu, if you prefer.

Oh, no, no. Nothing, dear. I just decided I’d rather imbibe my calories.

Lots of people prefer to imbibe their calories. They’re just usually not so honest about it.

Yes, that’s me. Honest to a fault.

Anyway, is there anything else you’d like before I clock out? How about a box for that dessert?

No, no. Thank you. I’m in town visiting my son, and my son’s family don’t do leftovers. Would you like it?


Yes. Once upon a time, I was a waitress too.

You were?

Yes. And I remember those long shifts with nothing but a cold cheese sandwich and soggy chips to tide me over. That’s fries for you.


Say, if you’re going to be off the clock, why don’t you join me?

Oh, no. I couldn’t. I–

Of course, you could. And I’d love the company.

Sure. Why not?

OK, so please tell me what you thought you were gonna find in my dad’s briefcase to prove that he hit Sarah.

I don’t know. I thought maybe he wrote something down, like a confession.

You thought he wrote a confession down? Like, what, on the back of a receipt? I mean, come on. Who do you think you are, Nancy Drew?

No, I don’t think I’m Nancy–

Holly, that’s the only reason you came over, isn’t it? Isn’t it? To, like, play amateur sleuth, to try and get dirt on my dad. Oh, my God, this is crazy. You don’t care about fixing things with us. You don’t give a damn about us.

What business is it of yours, EJ? You’re not even in the picture.

Oh, but I am, as you say, in the picture, because a distraught, young girl, whom I very much adore still, came to me for solace.

[relaxed music] I told her that I begged her mother to tell her the truth about her father’s untimely and tragic death, that I tried to impress upon her what a grave mistake she was making.

And that’s a lie. You never had that conversation with Nicole.

Well, how do you know that? Wait, do you have a side hustle as a fly on the wall?

Listen, before Nicole and I left Salem, you threatened to tell Holly the truth. That’s not protecting Nicole or Holly, and that she will need to know.

Mm, yeah, well, if she hears that from you, I doubt she’ll believe a word of it. In fact, do you think that she will ever believe anything you say anymore? She is horrified by what you did to her father, about what your brother did to her Aunt Sarah. And I assure you, she will never get over that.

Damn, what the– what the hell? What was that?

What was what?

When I shook your hand, something– something stuck me.

Oh, sorry about that. You must have caught the edge of my ring.

[chuckles] It’s a little sharp.

Yeah. Yeah, no kidding, man.

[chuckles] Anyway, I wish you the best, Brady.

Thanks. Thanks. Uh, forgive me if I don’t shake your hand again. OK?


I’ll see you at the next meeting, pal.

All right.

[ominous music]

What do you mean, Brady is going to shoot himself?

Well, I mean, we know that Brady feels terribly guilty about what he did to you. I mean, even he regrets having escaped legal punishment.

So are you just gonna force Brady to shoot himself?

More or less.

What does that mean? Be direct with me!

Darling, all you need to know is that none of this can be traced back to me, and it’s best that that’s all you know.

Oh, God!

I remember who you were before we got together, and it was the root of everything that went wrong for us.

Baby, you are not that man anymore.

Look at me.

You are not that man anymore because of me and our daughter. You told me that Victoria and I changed you. Was that a lie?

Of course, it wasn’t.

Well, then if it wasn’t, if it is the truth, I am begging you not to do this.


[chuckles] My goodness, you’re making me want to order another slice.

It really is so good. I don’t get many sweets at home. My parents are pretty conscientious about no refined sugars or corn syrup, you know, all the best tasting stuff.

Yeah, but that’s because they care about your health. That’s a good thing.

Yeah, I guess. Although my grandma, she ate about four chocolate bars a day and lived to be -something, so who knows, right?



Anyway, I ought to get going. I have to fill out some college applications before I go to bed.

Oh, interesting, I assumed you were in college.

Oh, no, I’m just a senior at Salem High.

[chortles] Well, you certainly have a very mature air. So what is it you want to study in college?

Well, my parents want me to be a doctor or a lawyer, whatever they can brag to their friends about, right?

Yeah, I understand. Is that what you want?

[jazzy piano music]

Honestly, I don’t know.

Well, I hope you have some time for fun, that it’s not all about studying and filling out applications.

I do have fun. I’m in orchestra, cheer.

No, no, no. No, I said “fun.” As in, do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?


Not exactly.

Not exactly?

There is someone I like, but he’s with someone else, at least for now.

Tate, how could you say that? Of course, I care about us. But–


It’s the idea that your dad is free after what he did and you’re just, like, all happy about it. Do you understand how that’s hard for me?

So you feel like you have to choose sides, like your family versus my family?

No, this isn’t like college football, Tate. This is heartbreaking for me.

And you don’t think this is heartbreaking for me? Like, my mom’s in prison. My dad fell off the wagon and drove drunk. And you say that I’m happy that he’s free? Yeah, absolutely, I’m happy, because, you know, my dad going to prison, too, that’d kind of make me like an orphan, you know that?

I didn’t think of it like that. And I’m sorry, OK? I’m sorry for what you’re also going through.

Yeah, and– and I’m sorry, too, that you found out that my Uncle Eric was responsible for your father’s death. I know that that was incredibly traumatic for you.

Yeah, it was, obviously.

[sighs] But, Holly, look, the way that you treated me?

[chuckles] I mean, you didn’t even apologize. I mean, you did, but I could tell that it wasn’t sincere.

Wasn’t sincere? OK, well, what did I actually have to apologize for? We were apart for, like, a day, Tate, and Sophia’s all over you already.

I didn’t ask her to come here.

OK. Let me check your DMs then.

Oh, my God. Look, no. This isn’t about Sophia or anything. This is about you wanting my dad in prison so badly that you’d sneak into his room to, like, try to find–

Look, EJ– EJ said there was no other way.

[tense music]

What are you talking about?

EJ said if there wasn’t any hard evidence, then there’d be no punishment for your dad.

Did EJ send you here?

No, he didn’t.

Does EJ know that you’re here?

No. Look, I’m– I’m not talking about this with you.

Wow. My God, Holly, you– you’re working with EJ to bring down my dad?

Really, EJ DiMera of all people? Like, even after what he’s done to you and your mom?

What about what my mom did to me, after all the lies she told?

At least you have a mom.

Really? Where? Oh, yeah, that’s right, in freaking Paris.

Yeah, well, mine’s in frickin’ prison. And, oh, and that’s where you want my other parent, too, isn’t it?

Your dad confessed, Tate. He is the one who got behind the wheel and drove drunk. He just mowed down my Aunt Sarah and left her there. So yeah, yeah, prison is where Brady Black deserves to be, and I’m not sorry for believing that.

Well, I’m sorry that I let you in here. Go. Get out!


Please, Xander, if– if the justice system won’t punish Brady then– then let karma do it, or the universe, or–

Sarah, what’s wrong? What is it? What’s– what’s wrong? What’s going on?

It’s just a muscle spasm.

What do you need, your pain meds?

No, I already– I already took them.

Son of a bitch! Damn him. Damn him!

It’s OK, babe, it’s already gone. It’s going away.

It’s not OK, Sarah. It’s killing me seeing you suffer like this.

OK, well, how is killing Brady going to solve anything? Hmm? Is it gonna fix me? It’s not gonna fix anything. It’s only gonna make everything worse.

That’s where you’re wrong. It’ll fix things for me. I’m a Kiriakis. I’m Victor’s son. You better believe if he was here right now, he’d be taking matters into his own–

You are not Victor! And did you forget that Brady is his grandson?

Brady is dead to me.

Brady is still a son. He’s a brother. He’s a father.

Right. And I bet his funeral will be jam-packed and quite moving.

Why won’t you listen to me? Why can I not get through to you right now?

Because I’m doing this for you, Sarah. And for all the other innocent people that drunken idiot might just maim or kill if he’s allowed to roam free. But, no, everybody’s– everybody’s all sorry for Brady now, like you, your mother.

I do not feel sorry for Brady! He did a terrible thing. Yes, it was– it was a reckless and stupid and despicable thing, but he does not deserve to die. He didn’t do it intentionally. He didn’t know what he was doing.

See, that’s where we disagree, darling. When Brady got drunk and got behind the wheel of a car and took out his key and put it in the ignition and turned it, they were all decisions. They were all choices, terrible, unforgivable choices that could have led to your death.

But it didn’t!

Just because of luck. Darling, I know you remember Brady’s brother, Eric. He also drove drunk and killed your brother, Daniel. So Brady knew exactly what could have happened, and he did it anyway. And he deserves to pay for what he did.

Come on, darling, admit it, you want justice too.

[breathing heavily]

[keys clatter] What the hell is wrong with me?

[ominous music] Oh.


[breathing heavily]

Still pretending you care about Holly? You’re just using her to punish me and your ex-wife.

Not true. Not true. I adore Holly. In fact, I have tremendous empathy for her, because you know what? I know how she feels.

[relaxed music] Nicole, her mother, is incapable of putting anyone ahead in her life but you, including her own daughter. No wonder Holly didn’t want to go to Paris just to play second fiddle to you. She is better off on her own, better off without you, the man who killed her father.

Shut up! Shut up! Don’t you ever– you stay away from her. You hear me? Stay away from her!

Oh, you are a tough guy now, aren’t you?

I suggest you get your hands off–

Hey, hey!

No, you–

Uh-uh, no, break it up. Break it up. What the hell is going on here?

I was just minding my own business. Then out of nowhere, this maniac assaulted me. I demand that you arrest him right now.

OK, come on, EJ. You know this is not gonna go anywhere. So why don’t you just go outside, get some air, OK?

I came here to get a statement from Ava Vitali. He should go outside and get some air.

Are you forgetting I live here?

I’ll deal with Ava. OK? Just go, take a little walk. We’ll be fine.

[relaxed music]

Are you all right? Eric, what was all that about?

EJ is just trying to turn Holly against me and Nicole. Unfortunately, I’ve given him all the ammunition to do it.

[soft dramatic music]

Holly? Are you all right?

No. No.


Oh, go on, what’s the phrase? “Spill the beans.”

OK. So this guy I like, he’s with another girl, but they are totally wrong for each other.

How so?

Well, it was just doomed from the start. You know, their families don’t get along. I mean, those two are basically the Romeo and Juliet of Salem High.

Look how that turned out.

Exactly. I mean, this girl has screwed him over so many times, and he just takes it.

Maybe he’s in love.

No. No, definitely not. I mean, maybe he thinks he’s in love, but he doesn’t even know what love is, doesn’t know the first thing about it. I can show him.

Can you?

Yes. I mean, he and I, we have something, but for now, damn, he just looks right through me.

[jazzy piano music]

Something that you need to know, my dear, is that men tend to be quite foolish when matters of the heart are concerned, especially. So I suggest that you make your intentions very clear.

I’ve been trying. I’ve let him know like, hello, I’m here waiting. Let’s, you know, do this.

Well, you keep at it. And if he continues dilly dallying and wasting precious time on this pseudo relationship you describe, I suggest that you cut your losses and move on.



Hey, Tate. Tater, how you doing?

Hey, what’s wrong?

Nothing. Nothing, I’m good. What are you– you’re talking to me, aren’t you? What do you say–



Have you been drinking?


[laughs] No.

Are you kidding me, Dad? I thought– God, I thought you were going to meetings. Why would you get drunk after what happened to Sarah?

Now you’re– now you’re yelling at your dad. I don’t appreciate that. I’m fine.

Dad! Hey! Dad.

I’m– I’m sorry.

Let’s get you to bed. Come on.

Hey! Hey, take it easy. I’m OK. I’m all right.

Come on.

Yes, I am upset that Brady wasn’t charged. I thought he should be. But I am trying to put it all behind me and move past it.

How on earth is that even gonna be possible, Sarah? You’re gonna into him all over town. How is that right? Huh? How is that just? I know somewhere inside, you feel it, too, this– this anger, this rage at what he did to you. Somewhere in there, you must want to see him punished, too, right?

Yes. By the criminal justice system.

But that’s not– that’s not gonna happen, is it? Sarah, this– this– this, in the old days before there were all these, like, drawn-out processes with judges and juries and expensive lawyers, this is how people answered for their crimes.

What is this? What is this, a chance to play out some sort of cowboy Western fantasy?

Do not mock me, Sarah.

You are not making any sense.

[ominous music] Just give me time. Just give me time. Maybe I will remember who was behind that wheel. Maybe it wasn’t Brady.

Come on, Sarah, we know it was Brady. Just–

[phone beeps]

Uh, it’s Henderson with the van. Please, darling, just go home and don’t give this another thought.

Don’t give it another thought? How the hell am I supposed to do that?

Just focus on how much I love you to the depths of my soul.

[soft dramatic music]

So, Holly, are you ready to tell me what happened?

Tate and I got into this huge, blowout fight.

[exhales sharply] Over what?

He caught me going through his dad’s briefcase.

Oh, dear. Oh, I’m sorry.

No, don’t be. It’s not your fault. I’m just mad at myself for getting caught because now he’s never gonna let me back in there.

Holly, listen, it’s– it’s OK.

No, it’s not OK, EJ. You know, when I got there, I told Tate that I missed him and that I didn’t want to fight anymore, and I actually meant it because I–

I don’t know. I just– I don’t know how we can be together with this thing between us, especially if he keeps defending his father for something that nobody should ever defend.

Right, just get some rest, Dad. Sleep it off.

[sighs] God. I just really hope you didn’t get behind the wheel this time.

I didn’t get behind any wheel. I didn’t drive. I– I took a taxi, Tater Tot. I’m fine. Tater Tot, hey, did you know– did you know your mom and I called you Tater Tot when you were a little– a little baby?

Sleep it off, Dad.


I love you.

[ominous music]

[sighs] Open sesame.

Again, thank you so much for the cheesecake. It was very nice of you.

It’s my pleasure. You know, you remind me of myself at your age.


Mm-hmm. You strike me as a very determined young lady. So I want to encourage you, Sophia. Don’t lose the faith. Don’t get discouraged.

[jazzy piano music] Here you go.

Oh, my God, that’s way too generous. I– I couldn’t.

No, not at all. I so enjoyed your company.

Same here.

But the martini, that’s our little secret, right?

Of course.



[tense music]

[sighs] God.

What am I gonna do?


[relaxed music]

Ava’s not in her room.

When I see her, I’ll tell her you were looking for her.

Thank you.

[phone ringing]

Sarah, what can I do for you?

I need to talk to you, Jada. It’s an emergency.

[ominous music]

[relaxed music]

Tate, are you OK?

No. I don’t know, everything’s just a hot mess.

What do you mean?

Holly and I got in this huge fight.

Oh, no, I’m– I’m so sorry, Tate.

Tell me everything.

Tate’s a clever young man. He knows that his father is guilty. And while I’m sure he is relieved that he seems to have gotten off without so much as a slap on the wrist, he also knows that, at some point, he is going to be punished. And he will be, Holly. I will see to that.

I know you will. And I’m really grateful you’re so determined.

Oh, I am. And not just so that justice can be served, but because it obviously means so much to you. And because I care about you, Holly, I’m going to make this my top priority. It’s going to take precedence over everything else in my life. I will not stop, Holly, until Brady Black gets what’s coming to him, for that bastard to pay for what he has done.

[ominous music]

Sarah, dear.

Hey, Fiona.

How are you feeling? Is there anything I can do for you?

Uh, no.

I just peeked into Victoria’s room. Oh, my goodness, she’s such a little angel when she’s sleeping. Where’s Xander?

Fiona, there’s something that you should know.

Well, it looks like the drug did its job. Now, all I have to do is put this gun in your hand and pull the trigger. You know, Brady, my only regret is that you won’t feel the pain or know the torment that you inflicted upon my Sarah.

[knocking] – Brady Black? It’s the police, open up.

What’s going on here?

I came by to offer Brady my support, and I found him all passed out like this, and– what are you doing here?

I just got a call from Sarah.

Sarah called you?

Yeah, with some rather shocking information.

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