Days Transcript Monday, September 23, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


Days of Our Lives logo

Transcript provided by Suzanne


Hey, baby. I’m sorry I’m late. My wardrobe fitting took forever.

Oh, It’s okay. I actually just got here myself. It has been a crazy day at the studio. I thought my brain was going to explode from all the production meetings.

You know, when I signed on to do “Body & Soul,” I kind of thought that we would be working together all day, and now I haven’t seen you.

Yeah. Well, that will all change as soon as we start taping, which, as you know, is tomorrow. And I am so excited to direct my beautiful, sexy wife. I just hope she doesn’t turn out to be a total diva.



Me? Never.

Already pelting the director with baked goods. Okay, that answers our question.

[insects chirping]

[dog barking]

[monitor beeping]

You, uh, you need to rest. I should–I should go.

No. Please stay. I don’t wanna be alone right now.

[soft music]

Um…of course. I’ll–I’ll stay as long as you need.

I still find it hard to believe that my wonderful assistant, who I thought was such a big help… That she wanted to kill me. She would have succeeded… If you hadn’t been there to dig me out of the rubble. How did you even know that Melinda and I were in the tunnels?

Sheer luck. I just happened to notice the blood on the fireplace poker, and then I saw that the door to the secret passageway was open.

Well, thank God you did. Otherwise–

Hey. I know. Come here.

There’s already an APB out on Connie, so the police are on it, at least.

Oh, God, that woman is a complete lunatic.

Yeah, more like a homicidal maniac.

Yeah, right. I mean, who knows what other crimes she may have committed, right?

Yeah. Well, come on. We need to fix this. We got–

Oh, come on. It’s not that big a deal, all right? No need to fuss over me, okay?

Who said this was about you? I don’t want you getting blood all over my room.

Ah. My mistake.

Seriously, come on. It’s the least I could do. I mean, after all, you, uh– oof–you saved my life.

I think you might be exaggerating a bit.

No, no, I wasn’t exaggerating.


It’s all right. Sorry. I saw that look in Connie’s eye. She was definitely gonna slit my throat. If you hadn’t gotten her to change her tune and get angry at you, I would have been toast.

What can I say? I have a knack for pissing women off, especially the psychotic ones.

Seriously. Come on. Stop downplaying what you did. You were heroic. You’re also a little stupid, though, because you could have gotten yourself killed. But you put your life on the line for me. And I’ll never forget that.

Hey, hold it right there, Connie! Drop the knife, or I’ll shoot. I said, drop the knife. This is your last warning. If you don’t drop it, I swear–

All right! All right!

[tense music]

Connie Viniski, you are under arrest.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand?

Yeah, yeah. How did you find me?

[suspenseful music]

Easy. One of your victims, Melinda Trask, she told me that you were in possession of one of your other victims’ phones.

Melinda? But how could she have told you?

Oh, you thought you killed her? Well, I am pleased to inform you that your little bomb didn’t work out so well. Yeah, Gabi and Melinda are still alive.

I’m sorry. I–I didn’t mean to get so emotional.

Why are you sorry, Gabi? You nearly died. You’re allowed to be a little shaken up.

I guess that’s a pretty decent reason.



[soft music]

[sighs] You know, uh, when I was sure it was all over… I kept seeing Ari’s face in my mind… Remembering the last time that I saw her, how she hugged me so tightly when we said goodbye. And that–that was more frightening than anything, thinking I’d never see my daughter again.

I’m sure it was. Speaking of your beautiful daughter, would you like me to call Will and Sonny and tell them what happened?

No, that’s all right. Thanks. I’ll–I’ll speak to them myself when I’m feeling stronger, and Ari. God, I miss her so much. I wish we didn’t live so far apart.

Well, hopefully one day that will change.


So is there anything else I can do for you?

No. It’s okay. Thank you. My God, you’ve done so much for me already, EJ. I owe you my life.

Is that too tight?

No, no, no, it’s–it’s fine. It’s perfect, actually. Actually, I’m kind of glad this all went down like this tonight.

Why is that?

Well, because I initially came here to apologize to you again for being a complete ass. Suggesting that you and I sleep together again to even the score with Gabi, you’re right, it was misogynistic and disrespectful to you. And I am sorry.

You should be.

Okay. Well, I am. And do you know what you should be right now? You should be forgiving me.


Yes, you should accept my apology so that we can move on from all of this. I mean, don’t you think that that’s the least you could do to kind of reciprocate for me having rescued you from certain death?

Yeah, I guess. I guess it would be. All right. I suppose I can forgive you for being a jerk, but just under one condition.


[laughs] Let’s hear it.

You have to let me take you to the hospital and get that cut fixed.

Come on, it’s really not that–

No, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no. No arguing with me, unless you want me to be mad at you for the rest of eternity? And maybe I could be– oh, I could be vengeful and vindictive. ‘Cause you know what? I’m kind of good at that.

You are. Okay, okay.


I don’t want any of those things, so let’s go.

Oh, wise choice.

Besides, I’ve got enough people feeling vindictive toward me at the moment anyway, so.

[chuckles] I’ve noticed.

Yeah. Besides, eternity is a long time.

Yeah, it goes on forever, from what I’ve heard.

So after tomorrow, we are going to be crazy busy with work, huh?

Well, we have to produce an entire episode in one day, so, yeah, we’re gonna have to hit the ground running.

Okay, which means that this is our last chance to have a nice dinner together, just the two of us, for a long time.

Unfortunately, I think you might be right. So let’s make the most of tonight. Shall we order a bottle of champagne?

The answer to that question is always hell yeah. But you should know that by now.

I do, I do. It was a rhetorical question.

Okay, I see. What is this?

Well, it’s just a little gift to mark the beginning of what will surely be your amazing career as a dramatic artiste.

Yeah, well, I would hold off on the gushing until the reviews are in.

No, no, no, my review is in, and not only are you beautiful and charming, you are also incredibly talented.

Yeah, well, thank you. And I hope that I live up to your expectations, Mr. Director. And now I will open my gift. And I hope you didn’t go overboard. Oh, my God. But of course you did. Oh, Johnny! It’s beautiful.

Well, it’s also a bit symbolic because I know that once “Body & Soul” airs, you, my love, are going to become a huge, huge star.

[soft music]

Johnny, it is just so wonderful to be here with you celebrating the start of, well, both of our new careers, right?

Yeah. Yeah, it is. It’s a dream come true, you know, it’s like, I get to do what I’ve always aspired to do. And you, you get to tap into this talent you didn’t even know you had.

Yeah, I’m still not sure that I have it.

No, believe me, you got it, okay? Take it from your very tasteful and discerning director.

All right, I will. You know, and not only is this just– it’s wonderful to be out having this lovely night and this lovely dinner, but it’s also really nice to be out of that war zone at home.

[chuckles] Yeah, you got that right. But, hey, at least the duct tape’s gone.

Ugh. Yeah, I know, right?


That was actually kind of insane, Gabi dividing the house like that.

I don’t– I don’t know what she was thinking when she did that, but it made me feel like I was taking sides no matter where I stood.

I know. Me too.


Yeah, but–but really, honestly, I feel really bad for them, both of them, Gabi and Stefan. I mean, yeah, he was in the wrong when he slept with Ava, and that was really, really bad, and it was a big mistake, but he’s apologized for it, and he definitely seems like he regrets it.


So I– I really just hope that they can get past this.

Yeah. I don’t know if that’s possible anymore.

What? Why? What happened?

Look, I wasn’t gonna say anything, but I’m sure you’re gonna find out one way or another. Gabi had revenge sex with my dad.

[monitor beeping]

I’m just glad that I was, you know, in the right place at the right time. You know, it was– it was sheer luck, really, that I was able to save your life, so.

Well, I don’t choose to look at it that way. To me, you were heroic.

[sighs] Fine, I’ll take it.

[both laugh] Gabi?


Well, uh…

[sighs] I’m sure this is the least of your worries right now, but I needed to give you a heads-up about Stefan.

Oh, God. What now?

I had a run-in with him earlier today. He told me that you told him that you and I had sex again this morning, and he wanted to know if that were true.

What did you tell him?

That we didn’t. But I also said that you weren’t lying.

Okay, that makes zero sense.

Yes, well, I was caught off-guard, and I was flustered. And on one hand, I didn’t wanna throw you under the bus, but on the other hand, I didn’t want to further provoke my brother. He already has me in quite the bind, so.


Oh, right, yeah. This morning, Stefan alluded to some kind of payback.

[pensive music]

EJ… What did he mean by that? What did he do to you?



Mind if I come in?


Oh! Oh! You think that’s such a good idea?

No, that’s okay. I feel fine without it.

Oh. Still one tough cookie, even after that ordeal you’ve just been through.

Yeah, well, I just feel lucky that I’m still here.

Mm. I bet you do. I visited the crime scene, saw that room where you were held hostage for all that time with that monster.

Yeah, it was just me and that cardboard cutout of poor Li Shin. It was pretty grim.

Mm. I can’t even imagine. Oh, anyway, I believe that this belongs to you.

Thank you.


But you didn’t have to come all the way down here just to return it.

Oh, well, that’s not the only reason I came down. I–I wanted to see how you’re doing.

Hey, I’m surprised you care. I mean, it’s not like we’re buddies or anything.

True, true, but, uh…

[sighs] I always felt bad about firing you as my DA.

Then why did you?

Because I was strong-armed by EJ DiMera.

So Stefan plans to testify against you?

He offered to do so, yes. He’s chomping at the bit, in fact, to tell the world and the judge that I knew that Sloan Petersen stole Nicole’s baby and I kept quiet about it.

And you think that’s enough to put you in prison?

Probably not, although that won’t stop Paulina from firing me. But I do think I’ve convinced her to back off for now.


[pensive music] Maybe I can get Stefan to let all this go if I just admit to him that I lied. I mean, about you and me sleeping together again.

Are you sure you want to do that?

You saved my life, EJ. I kind of owe you one.

Wait a minute. Whose blood is this?

Oh, that would be mine. This maniac showed up on Ava’s doorstep and tried to slash her throat.

Yeah. It’s a good thing that Stefan showed up before she did. But she managed to injure him, slashed his arm, and then ran off.

Thankfully, she didn’t get too far.

I would have gotten further if you weren’t in stupid hero mode.

Hey! No talking. All right, I’m going to need statements from the both of you.

Okay. Well, I’m taking Stefan to the hospital to get his wound checked. Can we give them to you later?

Of course. In the meantime, I’m going to take Miss Viniski here down to the station.

Let’s go.


Oh, so Gabi went full savage mode, huh?

That’s one way to put it.

Wait, wait, how did you find out?

I walked in on my dad and my uncle arguing about it.

So Stefan knows?

Oh, yeah, yeah. That was kind of the whole point, I think. You know, I think the only reason Gabi slept with my dad was so that she could rub it in Stefan’s face.

Ooh, and I’m assuming he went ballistic.

Oh, yeah. What’s going to upset him more than his brother sleeping with his wife?

Yeah. Yeah, that was hella vindictive of Gabi. I mean, I guess I can kind of get why she did it. She wanted payback. You know, but your dad, what was his excuse? Does he really hate his brother that much?

I don’t know. I think that it’s probably less about him hating Stefan and more about the fact that he’s been a mess ever since his marriage with Nicole blew up, even more so now that he’s got the divorce papers.

Yeah, but I mean, still, to take all that out on his brother?


He might have started an all-out war.

Any word on Connie yet? I mean, I just hate the idea that she might just still be out there.

I–I haven’t heard anything, but I can go and see what I can find out. Although you said you wanted me to stay.

No, that’s– that’s all right. I need to rest a bit anyway.

Okay then. I’ll be back soon. Get some rest.

[soft music]


Have a seat.

Like! Oh, my God! Are you a sight for sore eyes. But what are you doing here, my love? Are they arresting you too?

You can’t arrest a cardboard cutout, lady. We took him from your apartment as evidence.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! You’ve got it all wrong! This man is innocent!

[groans] It wouldn’t take a detective to figure out that EJ used underhanded means to get his old job back. But I’m still curious. What exactly did he do?

You remember that petition to get me recalled? Turns out his devious ass was behind it. He wanted that DA job, and I didn’t wanna give it to him, so he invented a totally bogus organization just to vilify me. Oh, he hoped that my reputation would be ruined and I’d be ousted. And, you know, I actually thought that he would succeed. So even though I hated it, I– I agreed to hire him.

Totally shafting me in the process.

Mm. Yeah, but you know what? Hey, I did offer you head of sanitation. Okay, okay, right. Right, right. But recently, I have found a new reason to fire him, and that is my intention.

Won’t he just try again to get you recalled?

Probably, but that’s never stopped me before. And I’m so done with that man, oh, that I’m willing to risk it. So, Melinda Trask, you want your old job back?

What the hell happened to you?

Oh, some whack job attacked me.

Wait, was it Connie Viniski?

Yeah. How did you know?

She just tried to kill Melinda and Gabi.


She tied them up in the tunnels and set off a bomb.

Oh, my God.

Is Gabi okay?

She’s fine. I was able to get her out of the rubble and bring her here. She’s suffered some minor injuries, but she’s–she’s okay.

What room is she in?

. Hmm. I guess someone’s still hung up on his wife.

Gabi. I just heard what happened.


[soft music]

Thank God you’re okay.

As fascinating as it is, I don’t wanna talk about my dysfunctional family anymore, okay? I would much rather just focus on you.

Mm. Well, I can handle that.

Mm-hmm. So are you nervous to shoot your first scenes tomorrow?

Yeah, sure.


Yeah. I mean, I wanna do well, and I wanna make you proud.

Hey, I am already proud of you, okay? And I know that you’re gonna do great.

Okay, well, I just have to remember my lines. And, man, there is a lot of them.

Yeah. Well, I’d be happy to run them with you, if you want.

Thank you. I–I spent all night running them with myself, and I think I’m good. The only thing that I’m, like, low-key nervous about is the tango scene in episode . I mean, I can do TikTok dances, no problem, but ballroom dancing? That’s not my–ugh.

Well, there’s gonna be a choreographer on set. But, okay are you ready to have your mind blown? You ready?




I happen to be an expert tango dancer.

No, no. Shut up.

Yeah. Yeah. No, it’s true. My dad, he taught me a while back. He taught my mom too. She and he actually won a dance competition here in Salem years ago.



Okay, I’m–I’m impressed.

So how about I show you some of the basics?

Uh, right now?

Sure. Why not?


Look, I know I missed a lot while I was held hostage, but Johnny and Chanel, they’re still married, right?

Very much so.

[coughing] And that makes you and EJ in-laws. Isn’t that gonna be awkward when you fire him?

Probably, but that never stopped me before. And if there’s any fallout from the kids, I’ll deal with it. So just say yes.

Paulina, I–I really appreciate the offer, but I don’t wanna be a pawn in the power struggle between you and EJ. And besides, the guy, he basically saved my life. You know, if he didn’t show up and put out that fire, I’d be burnt to a crisp.

You know, I think you give him too much credit. Knowing EJ, he probably was just trying to save his vintage wine collection.

That might be true. But here’s the other thing. I actually really like working at DiMera.

Oh, seriously?


Oh. You don’t miss the thrill of the courtroom?


Are you really happy just looking at boring old contracts?

I know it sounds crazy, but I think my paycheck is enough of a thrill for me. It’s enough to almost make me forget that I’m working for Kristen DiMera.

Mm. That paycheck must be huge.


So, well, nothing I can say to change your mind?

Thanks, but no. Although I am worried about how much work I’ll have to catch up on. Like I said, I missed a lot being tied to that bed.

Well, at least you had company. Li Shin, you know, in all his two-dimensional glory.

Please, you have to release him. He hasn’t done anything wrong. And neither have I.

Nothing wrong? You took the lives of Li Shin and Everett Lynch. You don’t consider that wrong, Ms. Viniski?

[tense music] And how about the attempted murders of Rafe Hernandez, Gabi Hernandez, Melinda Trask, Ava Vitali, and Stefan DiMera?

But none of that is true. I didn’t do any of that. And Li is fine. He’s standing right there. Tell her, sweetheart.

You know, Mr. Shin doesn’t seem too eager to defend you. So let’s go. Come on.

Sit tight, Li. I’ll take care of everything.

So the police have Connie in custody?

Yeah. Jada caught her right after she tried to kill me and Stefan in my room.

Stefan was in your room?

Yeah. He came by to talk, and it’s a good thing that he did because he saved my life.

Hmm, that’s interesting.

What is?

It just seems that you and Stefan have been nearly inseparable these days.

Inseparable? He’s my friend. We’ve been through a lot together.

Including a night of passion.

Oh, how elegant of you to bring up.

[scoffs] You know, that night was a big mistake. Stop. Just stop looking at me like that because there’s nothing going on between me and Stefan except friendship.

If you say so.

[clears throat] How badly are you hurt?

Nothing serious. I–I got knocked out by the blast, so I have a slight concussion, some scratches. But really, I’m okay.

I’m sorry, Gabi. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. If only I knew what Connie was up to.

If only any of us had known. Did you hear that she’s the one who killed Li?


Yeah. And framed me for his murder.

Oh, my God. Wait, but why? I mean, why– why did she kill him?

She was obsessed with him. And she blamed Melinda and me for Li not returning her feelings. She only wanted to be my assistant to get revenge. And then she tried to destroy our marriage, first by telling me that you and Ava had slept together, then by encouraging me to sleep with someone else. And of course, I didn’t have to listen to her. I mean, I have a mind of my own. So I can’t blame her for that. What happened to your arm?

You and Melinda weren’t the only ones Connie tried to kill tonight.

Oh, my God. She went after you too?

Well, she went after Ava first, but, uh, I got stabbed in the process, yeah.

[pensive music]

So where did this happen?

The pub.

The pub? You mean with people looking on?

No, it was just, uh…

[clears throat] Me, Ava, and Connie in her room, in Ava’s room.


[both laugh]


You, you are a fast learner.

Oh, yeah. Well, I had a really good teacher.


Mm-hmm. And now that I know that you are such a good dancer, we have to go dancing more often.

Yeah, well, we can keep practicing more right now if you want.

Yeah, I wish. And as much as I hate for this romantic night to end, we both have really early mornings. So I think that we should head home.

I know that you are right. But I also hate for this evening to end, especially because I know the DiMera mansion is probably still a combat zone.

Thank you. I’ll be right there.

[phone beeps] Connie Viniski is in police custody.

Thank God.

Well, you know, I need to get down to the police station to get a full report, but before I go–

Paulina, I’m not gonna change my mind.

Mm, got it. Actually, I was just going to see if maybe you’d like to grab lunch sometime.

I’d like that. And, hey, if you make sure that psycho Connie Viniski gets what she deserves, lunch is on me.

[pensive music]


We’ve got you dead to rights, Ms. Viniski. So you might as well just sign a confession. It’ll score you some points when it comes to your sentencing.

Nice try, Commissioner Hunter. But I know how this works. I’m not saying or signing anything until I get a lawyer.

Okay. But just a word of advice? I’d cooperate on this case in any way that you can because we are throwing the book at you.

You’re just trying to intimidate me. But it’s not going to work. I’ve seen every episode of “SVU” twice. Olivia Benson uses this tactic all the time.

Trying to intimidate you? I am trying to get you locked up for the rest of your miserable little life. You killed my ex-husband. And you tried to kill my boyfriend.

That’s not fair. I never would have gone after Rafe if it wasn’t for Bobby.

What the hell does that mean?

Bobby was upset that I stabbed Rafe, but I told him, I said I would get Rafe out of the picture in exchange for Bobby’s silence, and Bobby agreed to that. But I don’t know what the hell else he thought I meant by that. That I was gonna wave a magic wand and go poof, and Rafe would disappear?

So Bobby really was innocent. He was just one of your victims. Oh, my God. That man was mentally ill. And you killed him. And then you framed him for Rafe’s stabbing.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. I didn’t say any of that. You can’t use any of that against me.

Of course I can. Miranda rights, remember?

Well, how can you use anything I said when you didn’t do the same for Brady Black?

[tense music] Oh, yeah, I heard all about that. Apparently, confessions don’t mean much around here.

I don’t need you to confess, Connie. I just need you to keep talking. You see, we’ve already built an airtight case against you. And trust me, you are going to onna pay dearly for all of the horrifying things that you’ve done.

So Gil Carter didn’t kill Li. It was Connie.

Mm-hmm, right. And she also stabbed Rafe and killed Everett Lynch.

Oh, my God.

And to top it off, she was holding Melinda hostage in her apartment.

No, no, no. Melinda, is she here? I need to speak to her.

Oh, I didn’t know you two were friends.

We’re not. But I owe her an apology.

So you and Ava–

It’s not what you think, okay? I was over there to apologize.

Apologize for what?

It all started when EJ showed up at the Bistro, okay? Ava was there because I just hired her back, and–

[soft tense music]

You hired Ava to work for you, the woman you cheated with?

She needed a job, Gabi, and since you were responsible for that because you were the one who fired her from DiMera–

You’re seriously not blaming me.

Why would you need to apologize to that bimbo if you just gave her a job?

Because EJ riled me up, okay? He would not confirm that the two of you had actually slept together a second time. And when he didn’t deny it, I assumed that it was true. And I’m not proud of this, okay… but I– I asked Ava to help me even the score by–

By what?

By propositioning her to sleep with me a second time.

You son of a bitch!

What did the fire chief say?

There was an explosion in the tunnel. Somebody set off a bomb.

Oh, my God. Well, I hope no one was hurt.

Yeah, I don’t know if they were or not. We’re gonna have to have my dad fill us in.

Where’s Ms. Viniski?

She’s cooling her heels in there.

Oh, nice job, Commissioner. Did she confess?

No, she clammed up and asked for a lawyer.

A lot of good that’ll do her. Uh-uh, there’s no way she’s getting out of this, no matter what any lawyer says. That woman, she’s gonna spend the rest of her life behind bars.

I don’t think so.

What? What do you mean? She’s obviously guilty.

Oh, that’s for sure. But based on what I’ve seen, I don’t think Connie’s going to end up at Statesville. Yeah, I’m guessing that she’s headed straight for Bayview.

[suspenseful music]


Yes, my darling, I’m here.

Thank God. They didn’t hurt you, did they?

No. But they’re gonna book me for aiding and abetting.

Well, don’t you say a word. I’ve asked for a lawyer. I’ll get us both out of this.

Of course you will. ‘Cause you’re the smartest person I know. Not just the smartest, you’re the most beautiful, passionate. Everything a man could want in a woman. And I can’t tell you how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, for us.

I knew from the first moment I saw you that we were meant to be, even if you didn’t see it at first.

Well, I see it now. And nothing can stop us from being together forever.

I love you, Li.

And I love you, Connie Viniski.

Oh, Li, you’re my heart, my soul, my only reason for living. So please don’t leave. Don’t ever leave me.


Here. You hear Connie was arrested?

Yeah. The mayor told me. Yeah.

I am so sorry for what that monster put you through.

It was harrowing, to say the least.

And kind of my fault.

What? How was this your fault?

Well, I knew that you were on your way to fire Connie that day, and when I found out she was still working for Gabi, I should have known that something was up. I mean, especially after you took the leave of absence. Ugh. No, I knew it. I knew it in my gut that something was up, but I just– I guess I was just so consumed with my own drama that I didn’t look into it.

Yeah, Connie told me that you slept with Stefan and Gabi found out about it. But, hey, you know, next time I call you after I’ve been drugged by a psychotic murderer, maybe, I don’t know, uh, answer your phone.

Done. Hey, ooh, you know what? Ooh, if it makes you feel any better, Connie did try to slit my throat.

Oh, please. Amateur. You know, talk to me next time she holds you hostage and then tries to blow you to smithereens.

[both laugh]


You sure you’re okay?

Yes, really, I’m– I’m fine.

Good. Hey, look, Dad, I don’t think I ever told you, but Chanel and I actually had a run-in with this Connie person a while back. She–yeah, we both thought she was really odd, but we had no idea she was psychotic, homicidal.

No one did, unfortunately.

She–she set off a bomb in our house. Why would she do that?

It’s a long story. But in a nutshell, she held Melinda hostage in her apartment, she grabbed Gabi, too, and tied them up in the tunnel, set off the bomb. Melinda was relatively unscathed, but Gabi suffered some minor injuries.

Oh, man. Is she all right?

She’s fine. Your Uncle Stefan is in with her at the moment. But she’s going to be fine.

Look… I know that using Ava to get back at you was wrong. But you don’t get to be mad about that because you slept with my brother twice.

Once, you idiot.

Once? But you told me that–

I lied about sleeping with him a second time.

How the hell was I supposed to know that?

I don’t know, by maybe knowing me well enough to know when I’m making something up just to drive you nuts?

[soft tense music] Did you really think that sleeping with Ava would help things?

No, I didn’t. But at that point, it didn’t matter to me because you made it abundantly clear you had no interest in working on our marriage.

You know what? And I still don’t. Just do me a favor and get the hell out of here!


Hey, baby. I’m sorry I’m late. My wardrobe fitting took forever.

Oh, It’s okay. I actually just got here myself. It has been a crazy day at the studio. I thought my brain was going to explode from all the production meetings.

You know, when I signed on to do “Body & Soul,” I kind of thought that we would be working together all day, and now I haven’t seen you.

Yeah. Well, that will all change as soon as we start taping, which, as you know, is tomorrow. And I am so excited to direct my beautiful, sexy wife. I just hope she doesn’t turn out to be a total diva.



Me? Never.

Already pelting the director with baked goods. Okay, that answers our question.

[insects chirping]

[dog barking]

[monitor beeping]

You, uh, you need to rest. I should–I should go.

No. Please stay. I don’t wanna be alone right now.

[soft music]

Um…of course. I’ll–I’ll stay as long as you need.

I still find it hard to believe that my wonderful assistant, who I thought was such a big help… That she wanted to kill me. She would have succeeded… If you hadn’t been there to dig me out of the rubble. How did you even know that Melinda and I were in the tunnels?

Sheer luck. I just happened to notice the blood on the fireplace poker, and then I saw that the door to the secret passageway was open.

Well, thank God you did. Otherwise–

Hey. I know. Come here.

There’s already an APB out on Connie, so the police are on it, at least.

Oh, God, that woman is a complete lunatic.

Yeah, more like a homicidal maniac.

Yeah, right. I mean, who knows what other crimes she may have committed, right?

Yeah. Well, come on. We need to fix this. We got–

Oh, come on. It’s not that big a deal, all right? No need to fuss over me, okay?

Who said this was about you? I don’t want you getting blood all over my room.

Ah. My mistake.

Seriously, come on. It’s the least I could do. I mean, after all, you, uh– oof–you saved my life.

I think you might be exaggerating a bit.

No, no, I wasn’t exaggerating.


It’s all right. Sorry. I saw that look in Connie’s eye. She was definitely gonna slit my throat. If you hadn’t gotten her to change her tune and get angry at you, I would have been toast.

What can I say? I have a knack for pissing women off, especially the psychotic ones.

Seriously. Come on. Stop downplaying what you did. You were heroic. You’re also a little stupid, though, because you could have gotten yourself killed. But you put your life on the line for me. And I’ll never forget that.

Hey, hold it right there, Connie! Drop the knife, or I’ll shoot. I said, drop the knife. This is your last warning. If you don’t drop it, I swear–

All right! All right!

[tense music]

Connie Viniski, you are under arrest.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand?

Yeah, yeah. How did you find me?

[suspenseful music]

Easy. One of your victims, Melinda Trask, she told me that you were in possession of one of your other victims’ phones.

Melinda? But how could she have told you?

Oh, you thought you killed her? Well, I am pleased to inform you that your little bomb didn’t work out so well. Yeah, Gabi and Melinda are still alive.

I’m sorry. I–I didn’t mean to get so emotional.

Why are you sorry, Gabi? You nearly died. You’re allowed to be a little shaken up.

I guess that’s a pretty decent reason.



[soft music]

[sighs] You know, uh, when I was sure it was all over… I kept seeing Ari’s face in my mind… Remembering the last time that I saw her, how she hugged me so tightly when we said goodbye. And that–that was more frightening than anything, thinking I’d never see my daughter again.

I’m sure it was. Speaking of your beautiful daughter, would you like me to call Will and Sonny and tell them what happened?

No, that’s all right. Thanks. I’ll–I’ll speak to them myself when I’m feeling stronger, and Ari. God, I miss her so much. I wish we didn’t live so far apart.

Well, hopefully one day that will change.


So is there anything else I can do for you?

No. It’s okay. Thank you. My God, you’ve done so much for me already, EJ. I owe you my life.

Is that too tight?

No, no, no, it’s–it’s fine. It’s perfect, actually. Actually, I’m kind of glad this all went down like this tonight.

Why is that?

Well, because I initially came here to apologize to you again for being a complete ass. Suggesting that you and I sleep together again to even the score with Gabi, you’re right, it was misogynistic and disrespectful to you. And I am sorry.

You should be.

Okay. Well, I am. And do you know what you should be right now? You should be forgiving me.


Yes, you should accept my apology so that we can move on from all of this. I mean, don’t you think that that’s the least you could do to kind of reciprocate for me having rescued you from certain death?

Yeah, I guess. I guess it would be. All right. I suppose I can forgive you for being a jerk, but just under one condition.


[laughs] Let’s hear it.

You have to let me take you to the hospital and get that cut fixed.

Come on, it’s really not that–

No, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no. No arguing with me, unless you want me to be mad at you for the rest of eternity? And maybe I could be– oh, I could be vengeful and vindictive. ‘Cause you know what? I’m kind of good at that.

You are. Okay, okay.


I don’t want any of those things, so let’s go.

Oh, wise choice.

Besides, I’ve got enough people feeling vindictive toward me at the moment anyway, so.

[chuckles] I’ve noticed.

Yeah. Besides, eternity is a long time.

Yeah, it goes on forever, from what I’ve heard.

So after tomorrow, we are going to be crazy busy with work, huh?

Well, we have to produce an entire episode in one day, so, yeah, we’re gonna have to hit the ground running.

Okay, which means that this is our last chance to have a nice dinner together, just the two of us, for a long time.

Unfortunately, I think you might be right. So let’s make the most of tonight. Shall we order a bottle of champagne?

The answer to that question is always hell yeah. But you should know that by now.

I do, I do. It was a rhetorical question.

Okay, I see. What is this?

Well, it’s just a little gift to mark the beginning of what will surely be your amazing career as a dramatic artiste.

Yeah, well, I would hold off on the gushing until the reviews are in.

No, no, no, my review is in, and not only are you beautiful and charming, you are also incredibly talented.

Yeah, well, thank you. And I hope that I live up to your expectations, Mr. Director. And now I will open my gift. And I hope you didn’t go overboard. Oh, my God. But of course you did. Oh, Johnny! It’s beautiful.

Well, it’s also a bit symbolic because I know that once “Body & Soul” airs, you, my love, are going to become a huge, huge star.

[soft music]

Johnny, it is just so wonderful to be here with you celebrating the start of, well, both of our new careers, right?

Yeah. Yeah, it is. It’s a dream come true, you know, it’s like, I get to do what I’ve always aspired to do. And you, you get to tap into this talent you didn’t even know you had.

Yeah, I’m still not sure that I have it.

No, believe me, you got it, okay? Take it from your very tasteful and discerning director.

All right, I will. You know, and not only is this just– it’s wonderful to be out having this lovely night and this lovely dinner, but it’s also really nice to be out of that war zone at home.

[chuckles] Yeah, you got that right. But, hey, at least the duct tape’s gone.

Ugh. Yeah, I know, right?


That was actually kind of insane, Gabi dividing the house like that.

I don’t– I don’t know what she was thinking when she did that, but it made me feel like I was taking sides no matter where I stood.

I know. Me too.


Yeah, but–but really, honestly, I feel really bad for them, both of them, Gabi and Stefan. I mean, yeah, he was in the wrong when he slept with Ava, and that was really, really bad, and it was a big mistake, but he’s apologized for it, and he definitely seems like he regrets it.


So I– I really just hope that they can get past this.

Yeah. I don’t know if that’s possible anymore.

What? Why? What happened?

Look, I wasn’t gonna say anything, but I’m sure you’re gonna find out one way or another. Gabi had revenge sex with my dad.

[monitor beeping]

I’m just glad that I was, you know, in the right place at the right time. You know, it was– it was sheer luck, really, that I was able to save your life, so.

Well, I don’t choose to look at it that way. To me, you were heroic.

[sighs] Fine, I’ll take it.

[both laugh] Gabi?


Well, uh…

[sighs] I’m sure this is the least of your worries right now, but I needed to give you a heads-up about Stefan.

Oh, God. What now?

I had a run-in with him earlier today. He told me that you told him that you and I had sex again this morning, and he wanted to know if that were true.

What did you tell him?

That we didn’t. But I also said that you weren’t lying.

Okay, that makes zero sense.

Yes, well, I was caught off-guard, and I was flustered. And on one hand, I didn’t wanna throw you under the bus, but on the other hand, I didn’t want to further provoke my brother. He already has me in quite the bind, so.


Oh, right, yeah. This morning, Stefan alluded to some kind of payback.

[pensive music]

EJ… What did he mean by that? What did he do to you?



Mind if I come in?


Oh! Oh! You think that’s such a good idea?

No, that’s okay. I feel fine without it.

Oh. Still one tough cookie, even after that ordeal you’ve just been through.

Yeah, well, I just feel lucky that I’m still here.

Mm. I bet you do. I visited the crime scene, saw that room where you were held hostage for all that time with that monster.

Yeah, it was just me and that cardboard cutout of poor Li Shin. It was pretty grim.

Mm. I can’t even imagine. Oh, anyway, I believe that this belongs to you.

Thank you.


But you didn’t have to come all the way down here just to return it.

Oh, well, that’s not the only reason I came down. I–I wanted to see how you’re doing.

Hey, I’m surprised you care. I mean, it’s not like we’re buddies or anything.

True, true, but, uh…

[sighs] I always felt bad about firing you as my DA.

Then why did you?

Because I was strong-armed by EJ DiMera.

So Stefan plans to testify against you?

He offered to do so, yes. He’s chomping at the bit, in fact, to tell the world and the judge that I knew that Sloan Petersen stole Nicole’s baby and I kept quiet about it.

And you think that’s enough to put you in prison?

Probably not, although that won’t stop Paulina from firing me. But I do think I’ve convinced her to back off for now.


[pensive music] Maybe I can get Stefan to let all this go if I just admit to him that I lied. I mean, about you and me sleeping together again.

Are you sure you want to do that?

You saved my life, EJ. I kind of owe you one.

Wait a minute. Whose blood is this?

Oh, that would be mine. This maniac showed up on Ava’s doorstep and tried to slash her throat.

Yeah. It’s a good thing that Stefan showed up before she did. But she managed to injure him, slashed his arm, and then ran off.

Thankfully, she didn’t get too far.

I would have gotten further if you weren’t in stupid hero mode.

Hey! No talking. All right, I’m going to need statements from the both of you.

Okay. Well, I’m taking Stefan to the hospital to get his wound checked. Can we give them to you later?

Of course. In the meantime, I’m going to take Miss Viniski here down to the station.

Let’s go.


Oh, so Gabi went full savage mode, huh?

That’s one way to put it.

Wait, wait, how did you find out?

I walked in on my dad and my uncle arguing about it.

So Stefan knows?

Oh, yeah, yeah. That was kind of the whole point, I think. You know, I think the only reason Gabi slept with my dad was so that she could rub it in Stefan’s face.

Ooh, and I’m assuming he went ballistic.

Oh, yeah. What’s going to upset him more than his brother sleeping with his wife?

Yeah. Yeah, that was hella vindictive of Gabi. I mean, I guess I can kind of get why she did it. She wanted payback. You know, but your dad, what was his excuse? Does he really hate his brother that much?

I don’t know. I think that it’s probably less about him hating Stefan and more about the fact that he’s been a mess ever since his marriage with Nicole blew up, even more so now that he’s got the divorce papers.

Yeah, but I mean, still, to take all that out on his brother?


He might have started an all-out war.

Any word on Connie yet? I mean, I just hate the idea that she might just still be out there.

I–I haven’t heard anything, but I can go and see what I can find out. Although you said you wanted me to stay.

No, that’s– that’s all right. I need to rest a bit anyway.

Okay then. I’ll be back soon. Get some rest.

[soft music]


Have a seat.

Like! Oh, my God! Are you a sight for sore eyes. But what are you doing here, my love? Are they arresting you too?

You can’t arrest a cardboard cutout, lady. We took him from your apartment as evidence.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! You’ve got it all wrong! This man is innocent!

[groans] It wouldn’t take a detective to figure out that EJ used underhanded means to get his old job back. But I’m still curious. What exactly did he do?

You remember that petition to get me recalled? Turns out his devious ass was behind it. He wanted that DA job, and I didn’t wanna give it to him, so he invented a totally bogus organization just to vilify me. Oh, he hoped that my reputation would be ruined and I’d be ousted. And, you know, I actually thought that he would succeed. So even though I hated it, I– I agreed to hire him.

Totally shafting me in the process.

Mm. Yeah, but you know what? Hey, I did offer you head of sanitation. Okay, okay, right. Right, right. But recently, I have found a new reason to fire him, and that is my intention.

Won’t he just try again to get you recalled?

Probably, but that’s never stopped me before. And I’m so done with that man, oh, that I’m willing to risk it. So, Melinda Trask, you want your old job back?

What the hell happened to you?

Oh, some whack job attacked me.

Wait, was it Connie Viniski?

Yeah. How did you know?

She just tried to kill Melinda and Gabi.


She tied them up in the tunnels and set off a bomb.

Oh, my God.

Is Gabi okay?

She’s fine. I was able to get her out of the rubble and bring her here. She’s suffered some minor injuries, but she’s–she’s okay.

What room is she in?

. Hmm. I guess someone’s still hung up on his wife.

Gabi. I just heard what happened.


[soft music]

Thank God you’re okay.

As fascinating as it is, I don’t wanna talk about my dysfunctional family anymore, okay? I would much rather just focus on you.

Mm. Well, I can handle that.

Mm-hmm. So are you nervous to shoot your first scenes tomorrow?

Yeah, sure.


Yeah. I mean, I wanna do well, and I wanna make you proud.

Hey, I am already proud of you, okay? And I know that you’re gonna do great.

Okay, well, I just have to remember my lines. And, man, there is a lot of them.

Yeah. Well, I’d be happy to run them with you, if you want.

Thank you. I–I spent all night running them with myself, and I think I’m good. The only thing that I’m, like, low-key nervous about is the tango scene in episode . I mean, I can do TikTok dances, no problem, but ballroom dancing? That’s not my–ugh.

Well, there’s gonna be a choreographer on set. But, okay are you ready to have your mind blown? You ready?




I happen to be an expert tango dancer.

No, no. Shut up.

Yeah. Yeah. No, it’s true. My dad, he taught me a while back. He taught my mom too. She and he actually won a dance competition here in Salem years ago.



Okay, I’m–I’m impressed.

So how about I show you some of the basics?

Uh, right now?

Sure. Why not?


Look, I know I missed a lot while I was held hostage, but Johnny and Chanel, they’re still married, right?

Very much so.

[coughing] And that makes you and EJ in-laws. Isn’t that gonna be awkward when you fire him?

Probably, but that never stopped me before. And if there’s any fallout from the kids, I’ll deal with it. So just say yes.

Paulina, I–I really appreciate the offer, but I don’t wanna be a pawn in the power struggle between you and EJ. And besides, the guy, he basically saved my life. You know, if he didn’t show up and put out that fire, I’d be burnt to a crisp.

You know, I think you give him too much credit. Knowing EJ, he probably was just trying to save his vintage wine collection.

That might be true. But here’s the other thing. I actually really like working at DiMera.

Oh, seriously?


Oh. You don’t miss the thrill of the courtroom?


Are you really happy just looking at boring old contracts?

I know it sounds crazy, but I think my paycheck is enough of a thrill for me. It’s enough to almost make me forget that I’m working for Kristen DiMera.

Mm. That paycheck must be huge.


So, well, nothing I can say to change your mind?

Thanks, but no. Although I am worried about how much work I’ll have to catch up on. Like I said, I missed a lot being tied to that bed.

Well, at least you had company. Li Shin, you know, in all his two-dimensional glory.

Please, you have to release him. He hasn’t done anything wrong. And neither have I.

Nothing wrong? You took the lives of Li Shin and Everett Lynch. You don’t consider that wrong, Ms. Viniski?

[tense music] And how about the attempted murders of Rafe Hernandez, Gabi Hernandez, Melinda Trask, Ava Vitali, and Stefan DiMera?

But none of that is true. I didn’t do any of that. And Li is fine. He’s standing right there. Tell her, sweetheart.

You know, Mr. Shin doesn’t seem too eager to defend you. So let’s go. Come on.

Sit tight, Li. I’ll take care of everything.

So the police have Connie in custody?

Yeah. Jada caught her right after she tried to kill me and Stefan in my room.

Stefan was in your room?

Yeah. He came by to talk, and it’s a good thing that he did because he saved my life.

Hmm, that’s interesting.

What is?

It just seems that you and Stefan have been nearly inseparable these days.

Inseparable? He’s my friend. We’ve been through a lot together.

Including a night of passion.

Oh, how elegant of you to bring up.

[scoffs] You know, that night was a big mistake. Stop. Just stop looking at me like that because there’s nothing going on between me and Stefan except friendship.

If you say so.

[clears throat] How badly are you hurt?

Nothing serious. I–I got knocked out by the blast, so I have a slight concussion, some scratches. But really, I’m okay.

I’m sorry, Gabi. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. If only I knew what Connie was up to.

If only any of us had known. Did you hear that she’s the one who killed Li?


Yeah. And framed me for his murder.

Oh, my God. Wait, but why? I mean, why– why did she kill him?

She was obsessed with him. And she blamed Melinda and me for Li not returning her feelings. She only wanted to be my assistant to get revenge. And then she tried to destroy our marriage, first by telling me that you and Ava had slept together, then by encouraging me to sleep with someone else. And of course, I didn’t have to listen to her. I mean, I have a mind of my own. So I can’t blame her for that. What happened to your arm?

You and Melinda weren’t the only ones Connie tried to kill tonight.

Oh, my God. She went after you too?

Well, she went after Ava first, but, uh, I got stabbed in the process, yeah.

[pensive music]

So where did this happen?

The pub.

The pub? You mean with people looking on?

No, it was just, uh…

[clears throat] Me, Ava, and Connie in her room, in Ava’s room.


[both laugh]


You, you are a fast learner.

Oh, yeah. Well, I had a really good teacher.


Mm-hmm. And now that I know that you are such a good dancer, we have to go dancing more often.

Yeah, well, we can keep practicing more right now if you want.

Yeah, I wish. And as much as I hate for this romantic night to end, we both have really early mornings. So I think that we should head home.

I know that you are right. But I also hate for this evening to end, especially because I know the DiMera mansion is probably still a combat zone.

Thank you. I’ll be right there.

[phone beeps] Connie Viniski is in police custody.

Thank God.

Well, you know, I need to get down to the police station to get a full report, but before I go–

Paulina, I’m not gonna change my mind.

Mm, got it. Actually, I was just going to see if maybe you’d like to grab lunch sometime.

I’d like that. And, hey, if you make sure that psycho Connie Viniski gets what she deserves, lunch is on me.

[pensive music]


We’ve got you dead to rights, Ms. Viniski. So you might as well just sign a confession. It’ll score you some points when it comes to your sentencing.

Nice try, Commissioner Hunter. But I know how this works. I’m not saying or signing anything until I get a lawyer.

Okay. But just a word of advice? I’d cooperate on this case in any way that you can because we are throwing the book at you.

You’re just trying to intimidate me. But it’s not going to work. I’ve seen every episode of “SVU” twice. Olivia Benson uses this tactic all the time.

Trying to intimidate you? I am trying to get you locked up for the rest of your miserable little life. You killed my ex-husband. And you tried to kill my boyfriend.

That’s not fair. I never would have gone after Rafe if it wasn’t for Bobby.

What the hell does that mean?

Bobby was upset that I stabbed Rafe, but I told him, I said I would get Rafe out of the picture in exchange for Bobby’s silence, and Bobby agreed to that. But I don’t know what the hell else he thought I meant by that. That I was gonna wave a magic wand and go poof, and Rafe would disappear?

So Bobby really was innocent. He was just one of your victims. Oh, my God. That man was mentally ill. And you killed him. And then you framed him for Rafe’s stabbing.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. I didn’t say any of that. You can’t use any of that against me.

Of course I can. Miranda rights, remember?

Well, how can you use anything I said when you didn’t do the same for Brady Black?

[tense music] Oh, yeah, I heard all about that. Apparently, confessions don’t mean much around here.

I don’t need you to confess, Connie. I just need you to keep talking. You see, we’ve already built an airtight case against you. And trust me, you are going to onna pay dearly for all of the horrifying things that you’ve done.

So Gil Carter didn’t kill Li. It was Connie.

Mm-hmm, right. And she also stabbed Rafe and killed Everett Lynch.

Oh, my God.

And to top it off, she was holding Melinda hostage in her apartment.

No, no, no. Melinda, is she here? I need to speak to her.

Oh, I didn’t know you two were friends.

We’re not. But I owe her an apology.

So you and Ava–

It’s not what you think, okay? I was over there to apologize.

Apologize for what?

It all started when EJ showed up at the Bistro, okay? Ava was there because I just hired her back, and–

[soft tense music]

You hired Ava to work for you, the woman you cheated with?

She needed a job, Gabi, and since you were responsible for that because you were the one who fired her from DiMera–

You’re seriously not blaming me.

Why would you need to apologize to that bimbo if you just gave her a job?

Because EJ riled me up, okay? He would not confirm that the two of you had actually slept together a second time. And when he didn’t deny it, I assumed that it was true. And I’m not proud of this, okay… but I– I asked Ava to help me even the score by–

By what?

By propositioning her to sleep with me a second time.

You son of a bitch!

What did the fire chief say?

There was an explosion in the tunnel. Somebody set off a bomb.

Oh, my God. Well, I hope no one was hurt.

Yeah, I don’t know if they were or not. We’re gonna have to have my dad fill us in.

Where’s Ms. Viniski?

She’s cooling her heels in there.

Oh, nice job, Commissioner. Did she confess?

No, she clammed up and asked for a lawyer.

A lot of good that’ll do her. Uh-uh, there’s no way she’s getting out of this, no matter what any lawyer says. That woman, she’s gonna spend the rest of her life behind bars.

I don’t think so.

What? What do you mean? She’s obviously guilty.

Oh, that’s for sure. But based on what I’ve seen, I don’t think Connie’s going to end up at Statesville. Yeah, I’m guessing that she’s headed straight for Bayview.

[suspenseful music]


Yes, my darling, I’m here.

Thank God. They didn’t hurt you, did they?

No. But they’re gonna book me for aiding and abetting.

Well, don’t you say a word. I’ve asked for a lawyer. I’ll get us both out of this.

Of course you will. ‘Cause you’re the smartest person I know. Not just the smartest, you’re the most beautiful, passionate. Everything a man could want in a woman. And I can’t tell you how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, for us.

I knew from the first moment I saw you that we were meant to be, even if you didn’t see it at first.

Well, I see it now. And nothing can stop us from being together forever.

I love you, Li.

And I love you, Connie Viniski.

Oh, Li, you’re my heart, my soul, my only reason for living. So please don’t leave. Don’t ever leave me.


Here. You hear Connie was arrested?

Yeah. The mayor told me. Yeah.

I am so sorry for what that monster put you through.

It was harrowing, to say the least.

And kind of my fault.

What? How was this your fault?

Well, I knew that you were on your way to fire Connie that day, and when I found out she was still working for Gabi, I should have known that something was up. I mean, especially after you took the leave of absence. Ugh. No, I knew it. I knew it in my gut that something was up, but I just– I guess I was just so consumed with my own drama that I didn’t look into it.

Yeah, Connie told me that you slept with Stefan and Gabi found out about it. But, hey, you know, next time I call you after I’ve been drugged by a psychotic murderer, maybe, I don’t know, uh, answer your phone.

Done. Hey, ooh, you know what? Ooh, if it makes you feel any better, Connie did try to slit my throat.

Oh, please. Amateur. You know, talk to me next time she holds you hostage and then tries to blow you to smithereens.

[both laugh]


You sure you’re okay?

Yes, really, I’m– I’m fine.

Good. Hey, look, Dad, I don’t think I ever told you, but Chanel and I actually had a run-in with this Connie person a while back. She–yeah, we both thought she was really odd, but we had no idea she was psychotic, homicidal.

No one did, unfortunately.

She–she set off a bomb in our house. Why would she do that?

It’s a long story. But in a nutshell, she held Melinda hostage in her apartment, she grabbed Gabi, too, and tied them up in the tunnel, set off the bomb. Melinda was relatively unscathed, but Gabi suffered some minor injuries.

Oh, man. Is she all right?

She’s fine. Your Uncle Stefan is in with her at the moment. But she’s going to be fine.

Look… I know that using Ava to get back at you was wrong. But you don’t get to be mad about that because you slept with my brother twice.

Once, you idiot.

Once? But you told me that–

I lied about sleeping with him a second time.

How the hell was I supposed to know that?

I don’t know, by maybe knowing me well enough to know when I’m making something up just to drive you nuts?

[soft tense music] Did you really think that sleeping with Ava would help things?

No, I didn’t. But at that point, it didn’t matter to me because you made it abundantly clear you had no interest in working on our marriage.

You know what? And I still don’t. Just do me a favor and get the hell out of here!


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